LF casual dungeon guild
If you are looking for a structured multi-game community you can call home then I invite you to review Great Architect. Instead of giving some TL:DR article, I have provided some key points below.
Our Community
- Stormbluff Isles – We are active on SBI, but allow guesting. Don’t forget you can delete all your chars for a free transfer.
- Mature – Our ages range from 18 – 30+.
- Active – Recruiting all time zones. We have 60+ members. Most active around 10PM+- EST.
- Website – Our site is hosted by Enjin. Used to share information and promote our events.
- Community Oriented – We are community first, guild second. We look for community members.
- Voice Comms – We use Mumble & Enjin chat via Overwolf overlay to communicate across multiple games.
- Live Streamers – We promote our Twitch streamers. Our streamers often do giveaways.
- Newbie Friendly – We are very helpful and always welcome new players.
In-Game Activity
- WvW – Weekly WvW night. We run in small groups.
- sPvP – Not much sPvP activity but we will support anyone wanting to start a team.
- Leveling – We often team up with and help our lower levels.
- Dungeons – Eager to run Dungeons, often done nightly.
- Fractals – Same as above. Our most active runners are nearly level 10+.
- World Bosses – We often report active bosses and kill most of them on a nightly basis.
- Missions – Actively unlocking missions.
- Representing – We do not require 100% representation, but atleast 75+-%.
I believe this covers just about everything. If you have any questions feel free to mail me in-game. You may also submit an application at http://greatarchitect.us
Thank you,
-Great Architect Admin
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly
The Unholy Mackerels [UM] is a small-medium sized (30 active w/ no activity req. ~6-15 prime time), social and fun PvX guild residing on FA. Although we are on FA, we allow new recruits to guest to try out our guild and allow time before moving.
We treat everyone here like a part of the family and our relationships with each other become long-term friendships. We are down to earth and genuinely just like to fun but also like to work together to get things done!
There’s so much more about us but I really want to be an open book when it comes to describing our guild to you so to avoid missing anything, I will link you our recruitment thread and our guild’s website, which has absolutely everything there is to know about us!
If you have any other questions I would be more than happy to answer, just let me know. Good luck in your search!
We are a more relaxed group. We also do basically all content in the game. Also we are 100% against glitching stuff (Fractals, stacking to glitch hammer) stuff like that. It’s depressing to get into a group and be kicked because you refuse to use an exploit.
HĂ©llkaizer UM’s #1 officer in the whole world
I see your out guild hunting again Zed. Good luck on your search. I hope you find what your looking for this time