LF casual guild and new realm

LF casual guild and new realm

in Looking for...

Posted by: ericandmore.2418


I am a casual player in EST and looking for a guild and server that is active. I started on TC and never see others or read anything in zone chat, gets really boring. I really like the game but most often feels like a regular game and I am missing the MMO aspect of this game. Usually play between 8-10pm 4-5 days a week. Just looking for a guild to help improve how much I am enjoying this game. I do not do teamspeak or anything like it, would rather type in guild chat (but I can listen, just don’t have a mic.). Always willing to group with others and help out the guild. I really enjoy pve and crafting, but lots of questions about it. Would love to find a guild to show me how to do WvW, I was very lost when I tried it.

LF casual guild and new realm

in Looking for...

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


hey Ericandmore,

Champions of Old Tyria would like to have you join our ranks. We are a multi-server guild mostly based on DR and JQ and we specialize with helping new players get used to the game. We do use Dolby Axon as our voice chat and it is not required but if you would like you are more than welcome to listen and use guild chat to talk.

If you would like an invite please send me mail or hit me up with a PM if im on.

LF casual guild and new realm

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lorelei.7809


Our server is active…. our guild (Masquerading Synesthetic Feux [MaSF]) is… working on it. But we can definitely help you out. If anything, what we do best is helping people out with the game. We’re close knit, so we’re very willing to help our new guild members level, learn the game, etc such that we can have more people on consistently.

Regarding voice chat, we actually have a teamspeak, but we mostly communicate through text.

I want us to become an active guild, but minimal in number. I don’t want to manage 50 people. As it stands, we have 15, but only about 5 are active and representing. I’d like to get a good 10 people consistently active. At least that’s my first goal. If you’re willing to help us build, I think we could be a good fit for you. We’re on at night during the weekdays, we’re on during the weekends… we’re primarily EST and central.

We can try and show you WvW, but… we’re a fun, and a bit crazy, guild. We often go into WvW with the intent of subterfuge. We’re willing to answer questions and help out though. We also don’t do dungeons normally. We’re used to 3-manning dungeons in GW and we 3-manned AC story before they updated the no res-rush thing. Right now we only have 4 people that really can group up easily. I’d like a 5th. So long as they can handle unorthodox strategy. We don’t tend to “go by the meta.”

Edit: We’re on Gate of Madness (we thought it most fitting our mentality).

Feel free to PM on the forums or in-game.

LF casual guild and new realm

in Looking for...

Posted by: Neksis Syxx.6983

Neksis Syxx.6983

Hi Ericandmore,

While I’m not sure whether our age policy would be problematic for you, I am sure that our guild would suit you just fine.

We do encourage our members to use teamspeak, we don’t enforce it and the only caveat is that you have it installed so you can listen in during dungeon runs (this is out of courtesy for your companions).

Just Us Grown ups [JUGs] is a very friendly, drama-free guild which is comprised of people 30 yr.s old and older (our min. age is 25).

We have an even mix of male and female players and welcome both new and veteran players. We place a high value on community. We have a great website and a fully upgraded guild of over 100 members.

We are on the Jade Quarry server, and we have no problem with our members guesting on our server, provided they understand that running WvW with us wouldn’t be an option unless they transferred to JQ

Here is our recruiting post on these forums.

Good luck in finding guild!


Just Us Grown Ups [JUGs] – http://jugs-guild.com
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375

(edited by Neksis Syxx.6983)

LF casual guild and new realm

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deadnight.5948


SOR – [BURN] recruiting SEA PVX

[BURN] is new guild recruiting mature and laidback players who enjoys PVE and WVW havoc/roaming after working hours.
We are looking for members to grow the guild together.
Currently we have Guild Bounty training up. There would be more Guild Missions in the future.

Prime time: 8:30p.m(+8gmt) or 5:30am server time.
International players are welcome too.

Main language: English
Others: Canton, Mandarin

Highly recommend:
-Just want to have a fun and good time in WvW (nothing too hardcore)
-Sociable people who want to make new friends.
-Casual PVE and fractals.
-People who are new to this game.

Send me a mail if you are interested.

LF casual guild and new realm

in Looking for...

Posted by: Arrow.3856



Your pretty much on during our guilds peak hours. We have most of our members flood in during 8pm EST

“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

LF casual guild and new realm

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pyr O Desolation.5017

Pyr O Desolation.5017

i would like to invite you to enjoy a medium guild with a family setting, ENVY is well known and is having a party u are welcome to join, Sea of Sorrows is the server to be on Oct 19th. The Pack You Envy [ENVY] has 3 simple requirements : active ts3 use, forum application, and 100% rep. these requirements are placed on everyone in our PvX guild. 100 odd strong is better than 200-400 flakey as far as i see it. we are very helpful and friendly. we treat eachother as an online family. if you are interested, feel free to pm me in game, im an all day gamer. heres our website whichever you choose, i hope it makes you happy http://envygaming.guildlaunch.com

It’s not always about winning, sometimes its about losing without feeling used.

LF casual guild and new realm

in Looking for...

Posted by: kiwipearls.5237


Hi there, you might like our guild.

We are on Sea of Sorrows server.

We are an international guild with members from NZ/AU/US/CAN.

All members regardless of rank have the ability to organise ingame events ie Dungeons and Fractals.

Senility aims to be a multi-gaming casual guild for the adult gamer (18+). We all lead busy lives with our work and family commitments – that at the end of the day we want a stable and competitive guild, without the fear of being dismissed or berated for prioritising our real life responsibilities over those of MMo’s and gaming in general.

Senility is not a hard-core guild. We are tailored to the working adult and/or parent who cannot afford to spend countless hours on an MMO when life’s priorities demand our attention. Senility offers an adult community that specialises in casual play for adults who want to enjoy MMO’s without the pressures and time demands that other guilds sometimes inadvertently place on their members.

Senility providing a home for adult gamers since 2008!

We are not about the race, we enjoy the journey and adventures getting there.

(Best to whisper or mail me in game – or follow the link to my recruitment thread in my sig for a list of officers)