LF casual pve/wvw guild

LF casual pve/wvw guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Brom Malochson.9306

Brom Malochson.9306

I’m from tarnished coast. I main an elementalist (staff) and have an engineer, thief, mesmer, and guardian in reserve. (Unleveled) I’m looking for a guild that’s casual enough to not toss out a player from a CoF run at the sight of his profession, coordinated enough to work through dungeons and events on a regular basis, and open minded enough to accept criticism and suggestion.


-Regular CoF P1 runs/other dungeon runs
-Regular guild mission days/nights (weekly preferred)
-Open minded (accepting criticism/suggestion)
-Organized events (Southsun, Dragons, Living Story)

Brom Malichson | DB Elementalist | Temple Commander | Knights of Ares [ARES]

LF casual pve/wvw guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: FlameKnight.9150


Hey Brom

are you willing to move servers? (from your signature, it says your on TC)

If you are, OCX could be a good match for you.
We are a PvX guild located on Sanctum of Rall (SoR) that runs frequent PvE and WvW events every week, and are mainly based in the oceanic time slot (so GMT +8 – +10), but have some players mixed in other time zones.
We have a guild website and mumble we use for discussions and socializing, as well as for communication during events and is open to all members to use.

If your interested, PM me ingame for an invite, or join up on our guild website and you can get an invite via that.
Guild site: oceanix.com.au


FlameKnight, OCX Commander.

[OCX] OCEANIX – Sanctum of Rall – PvX Oceanic Guild.
OCX Officer
Guild Website: Oceanix

(edited by FlameKnight.9150)

LF casual pve/wvw guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Brom Malochson.9306

Brom Malochson.9306

I think I may have found a guild. Thank you all for your info and PMs! I did transfer to Dragonbrand, so if this one turns out to not be a good fit after all, keep in mind where I am

Brom Malichson | DB Elementalist | Temple Commander | Knights of Ares [ARES]