LF friendly/social PvX Guild - NA servers

LF friendly/social PvX Guild - NA servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: shrimpgirl.3107



I am looking for a guild that my friend and I may be able to join. We’ve both played the game for quite some time, but would like to meet some new people to run around and do map completion, run dungeons, etc. We play fairly regularly in the evenings and weekends (PST). We’re don’t really RP, but we find some of that stuff interesting, so we don’t mind if it is also an RP guild.

We’re currently on Crystal Desert, but don’t mind guesting or possibly transferring at some point. Though, we’re not really huge on WvW.

LF friendly/social PvX Guild - NA servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: RedRum.3745


Ebon Verity [EV] is a small guild looking for mature (16+) players. Casual | Fun | Helpful | Active | Mumble | Dungeons/Fractals | WvW | Bounties | Bosses www.ebonverity.com pst questions or for inv!

LF friendly/social PvX Guild - NA servers

in Looking for...

Posted by: KitOnlyHuman.6807


Hello shrimpgirl!

It sounds like your friend and yourself might enjoy looking into MadCast Gaming! We actually run a map completion event every other week, along with dungeons, fractals, and guild missions weekly. It’s almost always possible to find someone to run dungeons with in the guild! Most of us are online in the evenings to late night in EST. We’re not a roleplaying guild although, I can’t help but admit I am an proud RPer personally! In fact, sometimes I can’t stop talking about the living story, lore, and general speculation. I also lead the lore based map completion event where we learn about the zones, lore, and finish a zone fully together.

Our guild is on Sanctum of Rall but we accept members from any server! SoR is a North American high population server with a strong WvW presence and a tight knit GW2 community that loves to do things together. You’re welcome to guest over and see if you like it! Let me know if you need help doing so.

Our guild offers mentorship for new members and returning members, as well as PvP, map completion, guild missions, WvW, living story participation, lore discussion and speculation, and pretty much anything you would enjoy with friendly and fun people!

MadCast Gaming is a multi focused gaming community that has hundreds of members that play from League of Legends, Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4, Guild Wars 2, Minecraft, and many others! Our forums and Teamspeak are open to Associates that do not wish to become members as of yet and would like to learn about us and see if we are a good fit for them.

MadCast is full of mature and unique individuals, and while we don’t have any age requirements, we do commonly attract adults and family oriented members. It is very organized and professionally directed by an administration that we elect as members to represent our goals and desires on a more personalized basis, and our recruitment system is a process of learning about an individual candidate to ensure they would be a positive addition to our family. The safety and enjoyment of our members are our highest priority.

I know there are a lot of wonderful guilds and communities out there and it is very difficult to just choose one. If MadCast Gaming seems appealing to you, I’d love for you to feel free to contact myself or browse the forums. Join us in Teamspeak and just hang out for a little while, see if you feel that we are a potential home for you too!

Lady Shade | Lydia Barakov | Tesse Centirum | Quote Nevermore| Axe Bloodclaw | Beta Zee