LF guild in JQ

LF guild in JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Havoc.7285



Been playing for about 3 months now mostly solo, doing WVW and PVE. Just recently tried pugging fractals and dungeons.

Would like to join a guild that does regular guild missions and world bosses (I’ve never tried tequatl but would love to). Those that do regular fractal/dungeon runs would be great as well.
Playtime is mostly week nights and weekends.
Would prefer guild that doesn’t require 100% rep since I have my bank guild that I use a lot to store my stuff.

LF guild in JQ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Veron.8645


Hi there Havoc,

It sounds like Vintage Gaming [VG] on Jade Quarry might be for you. We’re a medium-sized guild, about 250 total members and 40-50 online throughout the NA day and evening.

We’re a PvX guild, though with emphasis primarily on PvE. We have groups forming throughout the day to do dungeons, fractals of all levels, Living World content when that’s around, etc. You’ll see plenty of guildies at World Bosses, and our guild has a strong presence at JQ’s NA evening Tequatl kills (still going strong despite megaservers). In fact, our guild hosts the 5pm server JQ kill on Thursdays.

= Plug for JQ Tequatl: even if you don't end up joining [VG], you're certainly welcome to join the JQ group for Tequatl. We've been doing it daily since last September and haven't had a failure since November. We do the 7pm Mon-Wed, and have guild spawned ones at 5pm Thur-Sun (hosted by [VG] and [WPAK]). We usually pick a megaserver and start setting up about 45 to 30 minutes before spawn. You can contact me for a ferry to the correct one. =

Back to [VG]: we run guild missions twice a week, on Saturday and Wednesday evenings.

As for WvW and sPvP, we don’t really have anything organized, but a lot of our members like to do them individually and it’s not uncommon to run into guildies in WvW or in Heart of the Mists. We do have a group or two forming to do team queue pretty regularly.

We have a 50% rep policy, but honestly I don’t think even 100% guilds would really care if you swap to your bank guild for a few minutes to manage your stuff.

In any case, you’re welcome to give us a try, and no hard feelings if you decide we’re not for you. I’ll follow up with a message to you in-game.


Veron Oakguard | Wiki: Veron | Reddit: /u/OaksFromAcorns | Vintage Gaming [VG] (JQ) • Attuned [Att]