LF organized raid guild

LF organized raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Headcase.4618


Tank/healer Guard looking for a guild to run organized raids with. Reply either here or by in-game mail.

Thank you

LF organized raid guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rimram.3860


Hood Suicidal Xtreme is a small community of friendly players. We aren’t interested in having 500 members where no one knows anyone else. We are currently playing primarily on the Maguuma server but no matter what server you play on you are welcome to join.
we participate both PvE and organized PvP in both WvWvW and structured PvP.
•Focus on Living Story achievements
•Active TeamSpeak
•Scheduled events such as Dungeons such as high end fractals.
•NA server
•Level 30 Guild Hall and rising.
What we expect
•18+ preferably
•Have TeamSpeak and a working Mic is preferred
•Have a sense of humor but realize things may not always be PG13
•Strict no racism/sexism
•team player with a good attitude.
if you have any questions feel free to PM or in-game mail myself or one of our officers listed below.
Guild Leader and Officers :
-As of now Hsx is looking for more people interested in raiding,Ascended gear is required, depending on case to case we may be able to help you out with this requirement.Teamspeak is also a requirement for raiding.Raid times are still being figured out, and may change based on peoples schedule