LF smaller guild

LF smaller guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sputmeister.5214


Been playing since early access, looking for a guild that does dungeons/wvw/pvp/etc.
I’m looking for a smaller guild, in large guilds new members tend to be forgotten in an instant and that’s no fun. I main warrior but I also play guardian and thief. I also don’t want to join a guild that is too serious about everything. If you’re interested in recruiting me feel free to leave a post here or contact me in-game.
My server is IoJ and I go by the NA est time zones, so on a usual weekday i’ll be on around 3pm.

Thanks for your time!

(edited by Sputmeister.5214)

LF smaller guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Hi Sputmeister! Since you mentioned WvW as an interest, what server are you on? Also, what times do you typically play?

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time
www.getunicorned.com / northernshiverpeaks.org

LF smaller guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sputmeister.5214


Hi Sputmeister! Since you mentioned WvW as an interest, what server are you on? Also, what times do you typically play?

My server is IoJ and I go by the NA est time zones, so on a usual weekday i’ll be on around 3pm

Sorry, forgot to add this in when I made the post!

LF smaller guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rits.4036


Hey Sputmeister! I think you’d enjoy our chill group with The Unholy Mackerels! We are a smaller tight-knit group of 40 active members and we usually stick around that number give or take a few. Most of us have grown to know each other over time and often play other games together too during down time, so being in a smaller friendly guild like ours is definitely positive! I’l let the rest do the talking…

Are you a fan of devouring dungeons? Havoc group destruction in WvW? Collecting achievements and various PvE goodies? Or rocking some toons in PvP perhaps? Well if you’ve answered yes to any one of these, then you might have already found yourself a cozy little spot here at The Unholy Mackerels [UM]! We are a fully upgraded guild looking to add to our tight knit family of gamers!

Currently [UM] is looking to bring in active, friendly, and social gamers to become a part of our family! As long as you enjoy at least one aspect of what Guild Wars has to offer, you’ll find you have a place amongst us! Who knows, in time you might grow to enjoy all aspects of the game! Don’t worry about your skill level, we all grow together as a guild and individual gamers, so its all a matter of time! Don’t be afraid to dive in and get dirty!

Activities For All Areas
- Multiple Daily Dungeons
- Daily PvP
- Fractals and Guild Missions
- WvW Havoc runs
– Don’t be afraid to shout in /g chat to party up!

Fully Upgraded Guild
- All guild missions
– 3 guild bank tabs for dungeon potions, siege, and 25% OFF guildie donated mats n other gear!
– 24/7 Magic Find and Gold Earned bonus
– Full buffs Fri through Sun – magic find, gathering, karma, experience, crafting and gold !

Extremely Social
– Website with Forums (use of highly encouraged)
– TeamSpeak (not necessary all the time but highly encouraged)
– Monthly movie/drinking nights and games (UM favorite)
– Contests with $$ prizes
– We are friendly, love to joke, and socialize creating long term friendships. Maturity with a tiny bit of immaturity is what we like to call it. AKA adults having fun.

Room to Grow
– We currently have a couple of leadership (officer) positions that are available for those interested in growing in the guild and becoming a key leader for our mackerels.
– Our officers are to be patient, calm, social, team players, have a long term interest in the guild/gw2 and excited to lead a group of awesome people.

Have Questions? Msg any one of our mods or leaders and we would be more than happy to help!

Rits.4036, Slipstream.6405, InSaneIty.8621

or check out our recruitment thread with more details.

Sounds like we are the perfect fit for you?
Check us out at http://theunholymackerels.enjin.com to apply!

Grumpy Rits – A GrumpyCat/Charr Warrior
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood

LF smaller guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Beorn Saxon.4762

Beorn Saxon.4762

Hey Sputmeister,

Check out Dragon Empire Alliance, it’s a tight knit PvX guild that I run on Tarnished Coast. We are extremely well known for being skilled, personal and enjoying the game. We have a strong system in place to make sure new members feel at home, and if you ask any of my veteran members they’ll tell you the reason they’ve stayed is because of how well we treat new members and how easy it was for them to make new friends.

We are a medium sized guild and plan to stay that way. Our goal is to have enough players in the guild that you always have people to play with, but not so much that you get lost. We have four weekly guild events at 9pm EST and use mumble, the guild is most active between 8pm-midnight EST.

I know you’re on another server, but I’d love to have you try us out for a week or two just so you can see how great the guild is

Tarnished Coast
Critical Impact [Crit]

LF smaller guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Anastasis.6705


We would love to have you in Umbral Ascendancy.
We are a small tight knit guild who concentrate on making our guild our family.
check us out @ http://www.umbral-ascendancy.enjin.com/home
or view our post @

Anastasis Eve (80 Sylvari Elementalist)
Umbral Ascendancy [UA]

LF smaller guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sputmeister.5214


Found a guild, thank you to everyone who posted/whispered me

LF smaller guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aeromu.9134


Synergy is a guild started by some friends with a goal to create a small community of friendly players. We aren’t interested in having 500 members where no one knows anyone else. We are currently playing Guild Wars 2 primarily on the Jade Quarry server.

For Guild Wars 2, we participate both PvE and organized PvP in both WvWvW and structured PvP. Most of us have been gaming together since the days before Guild Wars 1 and continue to do so. Because of our long standing community, you will find that it is an atmosphere where everyone knows each other and learns to play well as a well oiled machine, hence the name Synergy.

•Focus on Living Story achievements
•Chance to play with friendly players
•Structured PvP teams
•Active TeamSpeak
•Strong leadership with two PvE officers and two PvP officers to back up our leader.
•Scheduled events including Dungeons such as high end fractals and the like.
•Assistance with farming legendary items.

•Officer positions available for:

PvE – with a focus on dungeons
WvW – we prefer to run smaller organized teams.

What we expect
•18 and up preferably
•Have a working Mic and TeamSpeak preferred
•Have a sense of humor but realize things may not always be PG13
•Attributes of a team player with a good attitude.

To join or if you have any questions feel free to PM myself or one of our officers listed below.

Guild Leader and Officers :