(edited by Aurei.1306)
LF social NA guild! (PvX, but mainly PvE)
Hello Aurei,
I lead a Guild that might interest you. We are most active 12PM-4PM GMT but we do have members in the hours before and after those times. We are a guild that does a bit of everything but our focus is socialization. I will reach out to you in game when I log in tonight but meanwhile you can check out our most recent recruitment post for activities we are currently focusing on and our clan page on our sponsor’s, Pandorum Gaming’ website.
Hope to hear from yall soon,
Hi Aurei
I have posted our guild advert below. Here is some additional info tho, to address your main concern.
I am in a GMT+2 country, and so have largely recruited players that overlap with me. This puts my primary playtime right there with yours, and as a result you shouldnt have a hard time finding others online with you.
Want a chance to join a young guild and help train it into a beast? A beast that enjoys sci-fi, long walks on the beach, working out, smelling the roses, board games, caramel, and making wine out of the tears of its enemies? Then maybe Paladins of the Mist [MIST] is for you.
Hailing from Crystal Desert, [MIST] is working on becoming a lean, mean, fighting machine. While we have a strong emphasis on camaraderie, we aspire to help all our members play well and enjoy their time in the game. Any type of build, character level, or level of skill is welcome, as long as you are good company and are willing to try. You won’t be part of a faceless zerg in [MIST].
Minimum Age: 18
Voice Comm: Teamspeak 3 (required)
Game Focus: PvX
Primary Time Zones: EU, NA
Guild Limit: approximately 50 members
Website: Paladins.guildlaunch.com
Feel free to browse our website, and complete an application if you feel that we might suit you. Once your application has been processed, an officer will contact you for an in-game interview. We want to know what you can bring to the team! A hint: the beast would really like a hat made out of kale.
Possibly the worst chronotank EU.
I’m sending you in-game mail, but I’ll also post here.
I would love if you three would be interested in joining Hollow Bodies. It’s a new guild I wanted to make just to do a lot of PvE content. (i.e. World Bosses, and Dungeon runs.) I’m active throughout the whole day and a majority of the night. Since I still don’t have many members I plan on allowing guild bank access to all members some other powers that’ll help it grow a little bit. I want to keep it kinda tight knit because managing a large guild would be bothersome. If you are interested send me a pm. We will have a teamspeak available.
NO SIGN UP. NO BULLkitten. (Except for TS use)