LF team (r 44 necro/mesmer/eng/theif)

LF team (r 44 necro/mesmer/eng/theif)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Michael.9517


Hi all,

I have exclusively played solo Q or team Q random, but I am ready to move on and try to get a little more serious with the tpvp. I am available to play 1 am to 4 am CST during weekdays and can play any time during the weekend as long as I have enough time in advance to plan for it.

I am good with
necro(burst or condition)
mesmer(burst shatter)
engineer(sd burst rifle/HGH elixir condition/ or I can play a bunker engineer, but its been a while)
thief, but I haven’t played that one for awhile.

I’d also be willing to learn another class role if needed.

I have TS with microphone

LF team (r 44 necro/mesmer/eng/theif)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ruin.7350


Please read my post and let me know if you’re interested.