LFG -At least some WvW Stuff

LFG -At least some WvW Stuff

in Looking for...

Posted by: JacobIzKewl.9754


Lv 17 Asura Engineer w/ focus on condition damage looking for guild. As the tital suggests, I’d like at least some wvw stuff. But anything’s good.

LFG -At least some WvW Stuff

in Looking for...

Posted by: JacobIzKewl.9754


Also, just started replaying after a few months, so not so knowledgeable on new stuff.

LFG -At least some WvW Stuff

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chaba.5410


If you are on Fort Aspenwood or are interested in transferring, you could consider [NERF] Fort Engineer. We do quite a bit of WvW as well as some other stuff.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

LFG -At least some WvW Stuff

in Looking for...

Posted by: FlameKnight.9150



are you willing to transfer servers?

If you are, OCX could be a good match for you (if your not located on SoR/Sanctum of Rall).
We are a PvX guild that runs frequent PvE and WvW events every week, and are mainly based in the oceanic time slot (so GMT +8 – +10), but have some players mixed in other time zones.
We have a guild website and mumble we use for discussions and socializing, as well as for communication during events and is open to all members to use.

If your interested, PM me ingame for an invite, or join up on our guild website and you can get an invite via that.
Guild site: oceanix.com.au


FlameKnight, OCX Commander.

[OCX] OCEANIX – Sanctum of Rall – PvX Oceanic Guild.
OCX Officer
Guild Website: Oceanix

LFG -At least some WvW Stuff

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


If you already on a different server then SoS, Good luck in your search. If you want to join us on SoS you can easily transfer by deleting all your characters and then selecting SoS as your home.

If you looking at transferring servers as well please check out emerald-fang.com/events. I didn’t notice what timezone you wanted so to make sure you are able to enjoy your time with [Fang] please make sure your playtime fits our events. We are mostly a guild that does WvW & Guild Missions together with occasional temple pushes. We have some members that do CoF, fotm etc. Let me know if you got any questions.


Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie