LFG Piken Square

LFG Piken Square

in Looking for...

Posted by: Alberto.1350


After 6 months of inactivity, i decided to join once more GW2 world.
Unfortunately my previous guild (it was italian) is disbanned right now.

I would like to join an international guild wich allow a lot of variety game experience.
I like mostly PvP (World Vs World) but i enjoy even in PvE and SPvP.

contact in game: (my main characters)

Semley (engi lv 80 glass cannon)
Ereha Van Folker (guardian lv 80 full support)
Brijnov (Thief lv 80 condition dmg)
PiƩra (necro work in progress)

LFG Piken Square

in Looking for...

Posted by: Mystflower.7319


In case you are still searching for a guild:

The Crazy Lunatics [CRZY] are recruiting, we are atm still a small friendly guild, but we are actively looking for more people. (Warning though, we are a bit crazy :p)

We are focused on:

WvW (Borderland, EB, EotM)
PvE (Map Completion, Living Story)

Contact us if you are still interested!


Proud to be a Woman!