LFG PvX & Dungeon EST guild

LFG PvX & Dungeon EST guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: hockeymom.6419



Hi there fellow adventurers!

I am a returning player with a lvl 77 necro. I got into GW2 at launch but got bored because the guild I was in never ran any dungeons (although I have a level 77 toon would you believe I have never completed a dungeon? sad I know…). I am looking to return to GW2 but this time want to join a friendly guild that runs storymode and exploration dungeons (and this thing they call fractals) but that also enjoys occasional WvW and sPvp.

I am currently on Henge of Denravi but am willing to switch servers. My playtimes are usually after 8:30 pm EST.

Because I have been away for so long I will be relearning the game and will be the equivalent of a newbie (but never a noob!) so recruiters beware

I enjoy all aspects of the game and am usually up for shenanigans and grouping for just plain fun.

Looking to hear from interested potentially compatible guilds


LFG PvX & Dungeon EST guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: SeeingBlue.8453


You may enjoy our guild. We are a growing multi-gaming community. We strive to utilize our site for helping players & sharing information. We communicate via Mumble, we also like to use the Overwolf overlay and communicate across multiple games via Enjin chat. We try to keep our community full of mature players by requiring our members to participate in a trial period before being allowed in our mumble.

We are looking for new and experienced players. We enjoy helping new members get comfortable in Guild Wars 2 and are looking for experienced Officers who can help. We also support Twitch streamers and are always looking for more. Our current streamers do giveways.

A sPvP & tPvP team is in the works. I personally would like to find someone who can to lead such a team.

Our home server is located on Stormbluff Isles

If you are interested swing by our website and drop an application at http://greatarchitect.enjin.com

Thank you,

Great Architect | Casual PvX [WvW, sPvP, Dungeons, World Bosses, Living Story]
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly

LFG PvX & Dungeon EST guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


Just plain fun? Shenanigans? That sounds like us! We are an adult guild on Crystal Desert (NA) that does everything in the game, has no time/activity requirements, and is social/community focused. We do awesome things like have quaggan stampedes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKVYs2nZ85w).

Our peak times are usually around 9pm EST-1am EST so your times would fit us perfectly.

Our very snazzy website is currently down for remodeling but I’d love to talk in game sometime to give you more details!

Best of luck on your search!

Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic: www.obeythelime.com

LFG PvX & Dungeon EST guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Hey Hockeymom,

You may want to check out Remnants of Hope as we sound like a good fit for you. We have an event calendar with regularly scheduled events for all levels that are planned in EST.

We are also a PvX guild and join together in all aspects of the game from PvE dungeons, Living Story, Jumping Puzzles, WvW, sPvP/tPvP, and even RP! We are located on Tarnished Coast, so you will often find members who enjoy roleplay, but it is never required of any members.

You will also want to check us out for our awesome community. We are a cross-platform guild that has a SWTOR side and a GW2 side. This gives us a very active community, particularly on our forums. In addition to this, we also have cross-platform events where we get a chance to socialize together with events like Pictionary night, karaoke, League of Legends, and other random events such as a Poker night we have coming up.

Check out our website at http://remnantsofhope.com/boards/ and if you have any questions, let me know. =)

LFG PvX & Dungeon EST guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: hockeymom.6419


Thanks for the great replies guys, all look really super. I will look the all over carefully:)

LFG PvX & Dungeon EST guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: LLunatic.5280


Hey if you havent found a home yet check your PMs

Guild Master Forbidden
Come check us out!

LFG PvX & Dungeon EST guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rits.4036


Heya hockeymom,

[UM] is a very social PvX guild that enjoys everything there is about GW2 and sharing the game in the company of friends! We are super big on helping out all guildies and have no problem running through storymodes and other dungeons we’ve run through, just to help each other progress. I’ll post our guild blurb and let you find out more about us that way.

Good luck in your search and thank you for reading!

Who We Are
The Unholy Mackerels is medium sized guild with 65 members, consisting of mostly NA members. We have a wide variety of members ranging from 18 to 35+, males and females alike, that enjoys everything GW has to offer while in the social atmosphere of the guild. With leadership and officer roles filled with both genders, each bringing something different to the table to provide you with a stress free and friend filled environment. Not only does our leadership provide these things but our members too! We strongly believe that every person in our guild makes it the amazingly strong and fun guild that it is today. Something to be proud to be a part of!

From the time you join UM you will right away be treated as if you have been a part of this family forever. All that we ask of you is to return the same respect back to any and every member of the guild, a want to form friendships through casual socialization, and enjoy a good joke or two. Pretty easy!

What We Do
We do it all. We are a PvX guild that runs weekly scheduled WvW, Dungeons, Fractals, Guild Treks,Guild Bounties, Guild Rush and Guild Challenge (very soon). Members of “Regular” rank are granted abilities to schedule events too to ensure the guild is having fun the way it’s members want to! Also we take part in spvp, world bosses, leveling, map completion, achievements, and any other goal progression. On top of that, we provide FUN events!! Guild chat trivia, rat race, darts, hide-n-seek, movie night, drinking games, and more… all with prizes! There is always something going on daily with The Unholy Mackerels, typically anytime between 6PM-1AM Eastern.

What Server We Are On
You can find us on the Fort Aspenwood server. A tier 2 server for WvW, has quite a busy PvE population in maps, it’s own friendly community forums for all things GW2, it’s own community teamspeak where everyone is welcome, and a server that enjoys working together through good communication while playing to have fun.

What if I’m not on FA?
No fear! UM allows recruits to guest for up to a month in order to help everyone to have time to gather in game gold or irl money in order to transfer. Our staff and members are also more than willing to help by running events to help out! With all the events we run it is very easy to make the money to transfer in as little as a week.

How to Join Us!
Take a look around on our website to see more about us and our events we run and click “Join” to fill out our simple and easy app. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any one of us, we would definitely be happy to answer!

GM: Rits.4036 or Slipstream.6405
Officers: Jinxey.4173 Mcambre.9314 Hellfire.3591 Xtrama.6983


Grumpy Rits – A GrumpyCat/Charr Warrior
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood

LFG PvX & Dungeon EST guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Night Priestess.8123

Night Priestess.8123

Hi there, maybe you would like to check our guild. We’re a PvX guild on TC and we have events scheduled on a regular basis covering all aspects of the game. Here’s our website, take a look and apply if you think our guild will be a good home for you.

For the Toast!