LFG mostly PVE focused NA

LFG mostly PVE focused NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pandabro.8743


Looking for a close active guild that I can join, I used to play with my brother and dad but they stopped playing a while ago. I’d like to start doing fractals and dungeons more often and want to form some relationships.

I’m also in PST so it’d be great if there are a fair amount of active members on after 6 PM PST as that’s when I usually get on.

Please feel free to message me in game!

LFG mostly PVE focused NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jadefire.7642


Beer n Peanuts [BNP]
Server: Eredon Terrace

Hello! We are a PvX guild, which means, we focus on PvE, PvP, and WvW. Beer N Peanuts is established to let people enjoy their gaming while offering a community to support their efforts. We’re aware that not everyone has the same gaming interest, skill level, and play availability. This is what we’d like to call “Life” and it will be supported within our Guild.

About Us:
• New to the game? – We are very friendly, helpful, and fun.
• Active – We are an active guild, most members online in the evenings EST, but recruiting all time zones.
• Website – beernpeanuts.guildlaunch.com
• Voice Communication – We use Ventrilo and Teamspeak

What We Do:
• World Bosses – We link information when bosses are up and group up to complete these meta events nightly.
• Missions – All guild missions unlocked and are done weekly by the guild.
• Dungeons- We do story and explorable modes.
• Living Story- We enjoy doing the living story.
• WvW – Guild WvW Wed/Fri 8pm ET (attendance optional)- have a small group that also runs regularly
• PvP – Some PvP activity
• Fractals – guild groups for fractals

Hopefully this answers any questions you may have. Otherwise feel free to contact me in game at: Jadefire.7642 or submit an application at

LFG mostly PVE focused NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: HaloaOhana.2073


Hi there!

The Remnants of Hope is based on the Tarnished Coast server. We offer PVX, RP, and WvW while maintaining a fun social atmosphere both in guild chat and TS3… if you would like to see more about the guild please check out http://www.remnantsofhope.com/gw2 and/or send me a message in game.

Recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope

LFG mostly PVE focused NA

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deadnight.5948


SOR – [BURN] recruiting All time zones
International players are welcome too.

[BURN] is 2month old guild recruiting mature and laidback players
PVE and WVW havoc/roaming after working hours
We are looking for members to grow the guild together,
as a community.

Female friendly
Newbie Friendly
Mulit-Server Friendly

Currently on guild bounty and guild trek. GUILD RUSH coming soon
New Player PVE mentoring
LvL mentoring
Guild event depending on the living story if needed for completion in big groups.

Prime time: 8:30p.m(+8gmt) or 5:30am server time. (SEA/OCEANIC)
Other Prime Times are (-5gmt, -6utc) as well as others.

Main language: English
Others: Canton, Mandarin.

We have Raidcall, Forum, Facebook and Youtube.

Highly recommend:
-Just want to have a fun and good time in WvW (nothing too hardcore)
-Sociable people who want to make new friends.
-Casual PVE and fractals.
-People who are new to this game.

Try us for a week, if we’re not a good fit for you we’ll understand. It’s about the person, not the numbers.
Check out our guild video by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN1c9UUtwHI
Send me a mail if you are interested.