LFGuild: EU, PvE, Casual, English-speaking

LFGuild: EU, PvE, Casual, English-speaking

in Looking for...

Posted by: Brux.3415


I played a reasonable amount of the first Guild Wars and never joined a guild. I’ve had GW2 for a good six months and still haven’t joined a guild. I feel like I’m probably missing the point, so I thought I’d give it a go!

I’m currently on Whiteside Ridge but more than happy to move to another EU server. I’ve never done PvP or WvW but would be interested in a casual look at it. I currently have two characters in their 50s (Ele/Gua) but very little genuine game knowledge, so I need a guild that can give the basics to noobie me.

In terms of what you’d be getting from me; I’m British and in my 30s. I’ve been playing MMOs for 15+ years, starting with Asheron’s Call. I like to think I’m a fairly hardcore gamer, but my wife and small kids make that difficult to demonstrate. I have a fairly dark, bad taste sense of humour so I’m no use in guilds for younger or more sensitive players. Frankly I’m just after some banter, advice and the odd group event.

LFGuild: EU, PvE, Casual, English-speaking

in Looking for...

Posted by: Akkiarin.8923


Hi Brux!

Are you still currently seeking a guild?

I’m one of the leaders of a guild called Senturians [Snt] and we’re a PvE / PvP guild. You sound like someone who will suit us well (our guild chat is a bit unsavory at the best of times!). Our members are from all over, but I’m from the UK myself!

Send me an in-game mail or reply here if you are interested!

Kind regards


(edited by Akkiarin.8923)

LFGuild: EU, PvE, Casual, English-speaking

in Looking for...

Posted by: Akkiarin.8923


Sorry to turn this into a “who has the bigger kitten contest” but I feel I should give you some extra info on us after Fizzypetal’s excellent response (I’d join you guys If I didn’t already have my own guild)!

We currently sit at 67 members with 20+ online every evening. We range from all skill levels from the hardcore’s to the casuals. Our age range is between 18 – 40.

The guild was formed from the get-go of the launch of GW2, and many of us have been playing for over 2 years together! So as you can imagine, we have a very close guild.

We started out as a purely PvE guild but now have a very strong PvP community within us (we’re currently forming a team to enter into the ESL). We used to do a lot of WvW, but not so much these days due to the megaservers & lack of free server transfers. We don’t force anyone into doing anything, but there’s always plenty of dungeon / fractal / PvP groups flying around.

We’re currently preparing ourselves for the launch of the new expansion (mainly the guild halls – we have; 250 merits, 450,000 influence & 3000g saved up).

Some extra things we can provide;

- All guild upgrades unlocked
- Constant guild buffs
- Weekly guild missions
- TS
- Guild PvP arena
- Forums

I’m currently at work but will be online this evening, hopefully catch you then for a chat!

Kind regards


LFGuild: EU, PvE, Casual, English-speaking

in Looking for...

Posted by: Akkiarin.8923


On a side note, sent you on PM (on the forums) fizzypetal.