LFGuild Family-Friendly on SoR

LFGuild Family-Friendly on SoR

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aaricia.9758


“Married Couple Looking to Spice Up Their Gaming Life”

An Eastern Time Zone couple on Sanctum of Rall are currently seeking to add a little more thrill to our gaming life and we need your help! We come as a pair and would like to stay as a pair, but expand our circle of human interaction—-because we’re parents to a toddler and haven’t the ability to have a life beyond our home. Our special talents include singing every song ever found in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse shows and reciting Green Eggs and Ham from memory.

What we’re looking for: Home. Despite the risqué title at the top, we’re very family-friendly and Christ-centered. We don’t curse, we don’t use the Lord’s name in vain, we don’t party (see that we have a toddler), and we’re old enough to know that we don’t like drama—-we can’t even stand reality TV. It would be nice to find a guild that we could comfortably leave the VoIP open and not have to worry about our parroting toddler picking up a new vocabulary of a few choice words. So, if you’re a family-friendly guild that doesn’t tolerate cursing or a Christian guild that could appreciate two old geezers in young bodies, we’d like to hear from you.

We are:

  • Members on Sanctum of Rall
  • PvX
  • Christian
  • Family-friendly
  • Late 20s
  • Driven insane by Mickey Mouse

We seek:

  • Family-friendly or Christian-based
  • Preferably SoR guild for WvW
  • PvX
  • Bonus: VoIP and/or website

The husband: He’s a former WoW-head that was converted to Guild Wars 2 upon marriage to his fantastically amazing wife (me). He rather PvP or smash faces in WvW than complete any part of his personal storyline. He currently mains as a Warrior…and has no characters over level 40. He likes to discuss the Bible, theologies, philosophies, and a whole bunch of other -ies. If Guild Wars 2 offered in-game fishing, he’d never log off because fishing is his life.

The wife: words fail to describe me, but I’ll try. In-game I am very easily distracted by events, harvesting nodes, bosses, and high cliffs that I must toss my pixel body off of. I unintentionally Leroy Jenkins at times and at other times I intentionally do it. I think a game should be fun and never a chore. I don’t run Meta Builds unless I feel like winning some matches in PvP and I will randomly start dancing in game because I wish I had moves like that in real life. I have 3 level 80s, but I main as a Druid. I do take direction well when partying with an actual group and I’m dependable. I’ll keep you alive or die trying.

Other: We have a nephew who is currently attending Moody Bible Institute (our entire family is Christian, hope that’s gravy with you) and likes to play when it doesn’t interfere with his studies. He has 2 level 80s and I believe his current main is a Ranger. He too likes to discuss the Bible, theologies and philosophies. He would like to find a guild as well and it would be nice to keep our family together if possible.

LFGuild Family-Friendly on SoR

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


we at moocraft would be happy to have ya we are in sanctum of rall

LFGuild Family-Friendly on SoR

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aaricia.9758


Sorry for the delayed response, my internet went out for a couple days and then I completely spaced on my posting—-while running around Tyria…killing things.

Anyways, questions!

  • Do you have a website or Facebook group?
  • Do you have a VoIP? (Ventrillo, TeamSpeak, Other)
  • Do you have an established set of rules or guidelines? If so, where could I read those at?
  • What are the long-term goals of Moocraft?

LFGuild Family-Friendly on SoR

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We may be small (for now), but we have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize lots of guild missions, raids, etc and also eventually get our own guild hall. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. feel free to add me ingame to keep in touch (minitopo.3124)! even if you dont want to join we are always welcome to have new friends.

LFGuild Family-Friendly on SoR

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


Hello there! I am the guild leader of the Chariot of Fire Christian guild. Though we originated on SoR, we did transfer to NSP after the community and WvW fell to unfixable levels in 2014. We were very active members in the server community there, and we are now very active members of the NSP server community.

We are a PvE community with very deep roots in WvW. In the past couple months with the HoT release, we dropped from 3 organized, commanders led WvW nights to just one. We hope to increase that up to two organized raids in the near future, as we work to train up new commanders. We are not a hardcore WvW guild, but we are Christians that like to do organized, competitive WvW on a weekly basis. We also offer regular PvE activities, both as scheduled events and impromptu activities. Our main #1 priority is providing a family-friendly community, whilst being an example of Christ through interactions with others in our server community.

We have many parent/child, husband/wife, brother/sister families in our guild! You would fit right in. In fact, my own brother plays in the guild, and my wife is one of our officers!

Look me up in-game. I’d love to chat with you. As well, check out our videos and information on our website at http://christianfire.enjin.com.

God bless!

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] – http://christianfire.enjin.com
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks – http://northernshiverpeaks.org

(edited by xivor.8754)

LFGuild Family-Friendly on SoR

in Looking for...

Posted by: xivor.8754


NOTE: I focused on describing where we are at in WvW. Trust me, our PvE is quite healthy. Plenty of room to improve in sPVP, however, lol. But, we do own our own custom arena!

Also my wife says you and your husband sound a lot like us, lol. I swear, it felt like my wife wrote your above post…

Commander Combat Medic Barbie
Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE] – http://christianfire.enjin.com
Proud Community Member of Northern Shiverpeaks – http://northernshiverpeaks.org