LFGuild - PVP/PVE - SmallCommunity

LFGuild - PVP/PVE - SmallCommunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: MPy.6025


Hey all

My in game name is Hayzël, I am 23 years old and I mostly play my human elementalist. I play GW2 with my boyfriend and we’d like to find a great guild and surround ourselves with people we could have a great time with

Server preference: NA – Jade Quarry (actually on SoR but we plan to xfer soon)

Play Type Preference: I like both PvE and PvP so far but since I am not a hardcore player and since I just came back into the game after a long pause, I still have to learn a lot of things about the end game content.

Player Style: Casual but I like to be significant to the guild I am in. I could be more competitive and implicated if I could finally find a guild/group or in game friends that motivates me to do so

Active Time: Depends a lot, but I am online a couples hours a day for sure.

Social preference: I am looking for a small close community because I hate to be a stranger surrounded by strangers. I’d like to find a guild that would be helpful, active, funny and organized, so I could fully enjoy the game content!

Feel free to mail me or contact me via this post

See ya!

LFGuild - PVP/PVE - SmallCommunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aeromu.9134


Synergy is a guild started by some friends with a goal to create a small community of friendly players. We aren’t interested in having 500 members where no one knows anyone else. We are currently playing Guild Wars 2 primarily on the Jade Quarry server.

For Guild Wars 2, we participate both PvE and organized PvP in both WvWvW and structured PvP. Most of us have been gaming together since the days before Guild Wars 1 and continue to do so. Because of our long standing community, you will find that it is an atmosphere where everyone knows each other and learns to play well as a well oiled machine, hence the name Synergy.

•Focus on Living Story achievements
•Two dedicated teams for Raiding
•Chance to play with friendly players
•Structured PvP teams
•Active RaidCall
•Strong leadership with two PvE officers and two PvP officers to back up our leader.
•Scheduled events including Dungeons such as high end fractals and the like.
•Assistance with farming legendary items.
•LGBT friendly
•NA server

For direct information on our raid teams visit – http://synergygw2.enjin.com/forum/m/5983136/viewthread/24232573-raid-team-one-expectations-schedule-roster/post/last#last

•Officer positions available for:

PvE – with a focus on dungeons/raids
WvW – need experienced commanders

What we expect
•18 and up preferably
•Have a working Mic and RaidCall preferred
•Have a sense of humor but realize things may not always be PG13
•Attributes of a team player with a good attitude.

Feel free to check out our website : http://synergygw2.enjin.com

We have an application for our raid teams however to join you don’t have to fill this out. See below.

To join or if you have any questions feel free to PM myself or one of our officers listed below.

Guild Leader and Officers :

LFGuild - PVP/PVE - SmallCommunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: bacon.9461


Man Synergy gets to everything immediately. :P

I can offer none of the scheduled events, or dedicated dungeon teams. I can’t even guarantee that people are going to be on every single day because sh.. life happens. Or that we’ll be doing any dungeons. We’re pretty casual, no rules or requirements, firm believers in like attracting like, and if everyone likes each other rules are moot.

We’re mostly on the Crystal Desert server, but we don’t WvW at all at this point if we do it’ll be in small groups. We do play sPvP every day or two, depends on what everyone wants to do. Been doing dungeons regularly. Pretty much just a group of people that enjoy playing with each other, and don’t restrict ourselves to a schedule… play what, how and when people want.

Guilds name is Caddywhompus Hootenanny, if you wanted to read my ‘recruitment’ post its in my signature. Or feel free to ask me any questions, either on the forums or in game.

LFGuild - PVP/PVE - SmallCommunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: MPy.6025


Thanks for the invites!

Since we reaaally want to be on the same server as our guild, we have to choose wisely and gather informations about servers we might transfer on.

I’ll keep looking before I take a decision
Thank you two very much!

LFGuild - PVP/PVE - SmallCommunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ranglixx.3140


Hello Mpy and boyfriend! I think The Cry of Winter [ICE] is the guild for you. You may be aware of this but if you are not I hope it helps make your decision in looking for a guild a bit easier. The server you are based on only matters if you want to participate in World versus World content. Anything PvP and PvE related will not be limited by the server you are based on. However, if WvW is content you’d like to participate in [ICE] has members based on Jade Quarry as well as other servers. I am based on the JQ server and enjoy WvW, so if that is something you’d like to learn about or try from time to time let me know! Below is some further information about [ICE] that is written by its leader. If you have any questions feel free to message or send an in-game mail. You and your boyfriend can even join [ICE] and put us on trial to see if we meet your needs. If not then I wish you the best of luck in finding a guild and lots of fun in Tyria!

Once upon a time (ok, it was actually about a week ago), a guild was founded. This guild had a vision – a vision of an epic, thoroughly superb, tight-knit community that did so many fun things together that other guilds were envious of the huge smiles on the faces of this guild’s members.

[ICE] is not your average guild. First off, we’re small. We like it that way. Our ideal size is around 30 to 50 members. We don’t want to be a huge zerg guild with hundreds and hundreds of members, where you just get lost in the crowd when you join and you can’t remember anybody’s name.

Second, we go far beyond merely being “active”. We built this guild to be “interactive”. As an icicle, you don’t just log on and see a roster full of people that are doing their own thing, that you never speak to or interact with. Instead, you log on and you see a community, friends, hell even a second family. You see the friendliest bunch of people that GW2 has to offer.

And best of all, you actually do things with us! What kind of things? Here’s a list, because everybody loves easy-to-digest, bulleted lists:
Weekly missions
Dungeon and fractal nights
Events like asura ball, hide ’n seek, jumping puzzle races, and more. All with in-game and out-of-game prizes!
An active (and stylish) website, with forum titles, badges, and even a currency system you can use to purchase in-game and out-of-game items with!
An in-depth and entertaining progression system for guild ranks
Oh, so much more!

Now, we are a brand new guild. As such, we’re still getting on our feet, and all the awesome events we’re going to have are in the planning stages still. But they’re on the way, and we’ll be having our first organized community event in the very near future, and it’s gonna be amazeballs!

Casual PvE
We are a PvE focused guild. We are definitely going to be charging straight into raids with the launch of Heart of Thorns. However, we are not hardcore about it. We strive to be exceptional players, and all raiders will know the fights, know their classes and builds, etc. Our goal is to have the hardcore quality, without having the hardcore raiding schedule or crazy shouting raid leader.

As for PvP, a lot of our members, myself included, do participate in PvP all the time. We do both sPvP and WvW, and if enough members wish it, then we’ll have organized teams for PvP. But for now, we decided just to focus on PvE as a guild.

No Rep Requirement
Here at [ICE], we think rep requirements are stupid. We want you to want to rep us, not just force you to. After all, this is a game, and we play it to have fun. So if you’re having fun with a different set of friends, then good for you! Besides, the changes coming in Heart of Thorns are doing away with any need to rep a guild anyways.

How To Join
Aww yeah! If you’ve read this far (good job!) then you’re clearly interested in joining The Cry of Winter and becoming an icicle. Well, joining is easy! Simply head on over to our website and take a moment to fill out our handy-dandy application.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact either Malachi Draven.2865 or Ranglixx.3140. Cheers!