LFGuild on Desolation PvE, Guild Missions exc
Hello there! I would love to have you in our Guild Our Guild is large tho, I hope you wouldn’t mind that
You can always get higher in our Guild if you do your best and be active
I tried whispering you, but you are sadly offline, you can also look up more information on the Forum post:
Hey there Rasse,
It doesn’t sound like you do a lot of WvW, so I’ll leave a reply
We’ve got guild missions every weekend, guild raids twice a week and are of an average crowd
We don’t really have a:“Climb up the ladder”, as we treat all our members the same.
You could however volunteer for any events or the council!
A bit more about us:
When The Night Falls [WTNF] is an Dedicated PvE Guild with players also doing PvP, only a few do WvW.
We’d like to see ourselves as an Casual / Family type of Guild, where players are valued by their Attitude and Personality.
If you’ve got any questions left, feel free to contact me or visit our website:
Guild Website: http://www.wtnf.net
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb07P-bW94jE3-mKHGToyOg
Heya Rasse!
While we’re not strictly on Desolation, I’d still like to present Cloud of Sparrows to you – thankfully, with the Megaserver, you can be part of pretty much everything we do together, regardless of the fact that we’re based on Seafarer’s Rest.
We are a small guild, not looking to expand into a large one, because we love the environment of knowing the people you spend your online time with and not becoming just a number in the crowd. We do daily dungeons and fractals, we tend to neither speedrun nor spend hours for a single encounter, and we offer very high knowledge and teaching in both since the core of guild members have been in the so-called hightier PvE guilds.
In Cloud of Sparrows, you’ll be more than welcome to lead everything you mentioned! All our members are treated as equal, the ‘officers’ rank is mainly given upon desire and willingness to contribute.
If that sounds good, please check out our recruitment topic on here – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/lookingfor/EU-Cloud-of-Sparrows-CoS , or message me in-game for more details.
Best of luck,
Hello Rasse,
We are a medium sized (about 30 members) guild on Desolation. Please see our recruitment post for more information. Once you get used to the guild and our members there are always possibilities to get more involved if there is a desire.