I am looking for a guild (that doesn’t require to be rep’d 100%) or a group of people that run fractals often. I recently completed up to level 22 with PUGs but after 4 attempts (up to 2hrs each) at these higher levels I can no longer find groups that understand how to complete these at higher difficulty or people are so “Pro” they rage quit groups as soon as someone makes a mistake. My guild is WvW focused and is my family but I can’t ever get much help for Fractals.
Please help a very patient, but not endlessly patient, player out! I just want people that know what they are doing and are nerdy enough to look up strategies and care to complete these in a timely manner!
I have my Engineer at level 22 and working on my Guardian (currently lvl 6).
Annoyed I missed the Fractals bandwagon when they first came out