LFGvG guild in Desolation

LFGvG guild in Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Looking for a highly organized guild for WvW in Desolation. Rolled with DVG for a while but they wasn’t my “perfect fit”. Any other guilds in Desolation that demand high priority in organized tactics, movements and skills that may want a Rank 47, condition/blast/support thief with a zerg build, experienced in all situation?

I came from underworld and I’ve been a part of gvg guilds before. Whisper me in game!


Rank 47 in pvp.
Playing as thief only.
2000 hours spent in game with 1 profession.
7 hours/day at minimum in game every week.
Will represent during wvw. (Not pvp since I got an own guild there)

Cu in game.


Xifix | Thief
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com