LFI - Isle of Janthir with Active Fun Members

LFI - Isle of Janthir with Active Fun Members

in Looking for...

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


I joined a great guild a while back but it just died off and now i’m the only member playing every day. I do PvE mostly but would like to learn more WvW and PvP (i have limited experience with both. I have done some dungeons and want to do more. Same with JPs. I’ve been spending my time recently in Frostgorge runnubg the champ train. I do LS when time allows and i like the activities. I’m condsidering going for a legendary. My main is a level 80 human warrior which i’ve played for about 500 hrs.

I’m looking for a guild with lots of west coasters so i can play with people in my time zone. There should be lots of knowledgable active leaders and members. I learn from others and i’m always happy to pass on what i know. Message me if you have the kind of guild i’m looking for. I have TS but usually keep mic off. If you are had core mean rude or ignorant then your guild is not for me. A WvW focus is good but i need some assistance in how to survive and maybe even win small battles. I would like to learn real, effective tactics and how to use my warrior’s weapons and skills to be the best all around player i can be.

Edit: post title should say LFG…please excuse the typo. Phone tying is not my forte :p

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

LFI - Isle of Janthir with Active Fun Members

in Looking for...

Posted by: IOM.8751


Hello! I am the guild leader for Second Leap [SL] on the DH server. We are a small fast growing guild that was based from some guildies from a large guild. My hubby is one of the officers so it is also family based. Our members are mature, from all time zones (PST is mine too), & various lvls of GW2 playing exp. WvW, PVE, dungeons, & guild missions. Guildie help for just about anything. Guild site and TS. Send mail or PM me in game.
I hope you will join our group of friends.

Guild Leader
Second Leap [SL]

LFI - Isle of Janthir with Active Fun Members

in Looking for...

Posted by: SeeingBlue.8453



If you are looking for a structured multi-game community you can call home then I invite you to review Great Architect. Instead of giving some TL:DR article, I have provided some key points below.

Our Community

  • Stormbluff Isles – We are active on SBI, but allow guesting. Don’t forget you can delete all your chars for a free transfer.
  • Mature – Our ages range from 18 – 30+.
  • Active – Recruiting all time zones. We have 60+ members. Most active around 10PM+- EST.
  • Website – Our site is hosted by Enjin. Used to share information and promote our events.
  • Community Oriented – We are community first, guild second. We look for community members.
  • Voice Comms – We use Mumble & Enjin chat via Overwolf overlay to communicate across multiple games.
  • Live Streamers – We promote our Twitch streamers. Our streamers often do giveaways.
  • Newbie Friendly – We are very helpful and always welcome new players.

In-Game Activity

  • WvW – Weekly WvW night. We run in small groups.
  • sPvP – Not much sPvP activity but we will support anyone wanting to start a team.
  • Leveling – We often team up with and help our lower levels.
  • Dungeons – Eager to run Dungeons, often done nightly.
  • Fractals – Same as above. Our most active runners are nearly level 10+.
  • World Bosses – We often report active bosses and kill most of them on a nightly basis.
  • Missions – Actively unlocking missions.
  • Representing – We do not require 100% representation, but atleast 75+-%.

I believe this covers just about everything. If you have any questions feel free to mail me in-game. You may also submit an application at http://greatarchitect.us

Thank you,
-Great Architect Admin

Great Architect | Casual PvX [WvW, sPvP, Dungeons, World Bosses, Living Story]
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly

LFI - Isle of Janthir with Active Fun Members

in Looking for...

Posted by: ozmaniandevil.6805


Thanks for the replies! I should add that I don’t really want to change servers because my kids also play on Isle of Janthir server.

Isle of Janthir – Knights of the Rose (KoR)

LFI - Isle of Janthir with Active Fun Members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Swampy.1359


If you’re still looking for a guild on IoJ i might have an offer for you. I’ll contact you in game.