[LGBT GUILD]Rainbow Pride [GAaY]recruiting

[LGBT GUILD]Rainbow Pride [GAaY]recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Doncaster.9068


Hi all, I just wanted to let you know that we are still recruiting. Rainbow Pride is primarily a LGBT European guild in Guild Wars 2 with members from across Europe, all our members speak English too. We’re not a huge guild but we’ve been around since launch and we are always willing to help be it in dungeons or in the open world or pvp, with weekly guild missions. We’re a mixture of PVE/PVPers. We have a teamspeak and websites. If you’re interested in joining us you can contact me in game (Don Fabuloso) as I rarely check the forums or our other leader Flametyn . Please mention this post so we know where you heard of us. See you in game Don

recruiting more gay/bi/lesbian/trans or gay friendly members!!! http://rainbowpride.shivtr.com

[LGBT GUILD]Rainbow Pride [GAaY]recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jevati.4328


Friendly bump for a fellow LGBT guild! ^^

[LGBT GUILD]Rainbow Pride [GAaY]recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Doncaster.9068


Thanks :P any bump is a good bump haha

recruiting more gay/bi/lesbian/trans or gay friendly members!!! http://rainbowpride.shivtr.com