Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Brom Malochson.9306

Brom Malochson.9306

If your guild is that large then why are you concerned about which VOIP the rest of the server uses? Mumble is a big thing to some guilds on TC. In most WvW nights I only see a few guilds on it, namely CERN, PiNK, etc. We have guilds and commanders who don’t use any VOIP program.

You can use TS3 yourself among your own guild and you will be perfectly fine using ingame whispers to communicate with other commanders. We do need some more SEA coverage, but TC really has no “problems”.

Brom Malichson | DB Elementalist | Temple Commander | Knights of Ares [ARES]

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Scanty.7623


So far I’ve learned that a guild is running away from a server to join another server but only if the server they deem worthy enough adheres to their wishes.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Harrish.8743


Why do people start these types of threads? They always seem to lead to drama and rarely provide any useful information.

All of the servers you are considering have recruitment threads with contact information. I assume you have scouts on all of them as well. Not sure what information you’ll glean from this thread beyond that, but best of luck nonetheless.

All the servers you are considering are great. None are perfect. It’s just a matter of finding a good fit for your particular guild.

Hellfire Circus [HfC]

(edited by Harrish.8743)

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: hammer.9721


Choosing a tier one server is really simple.Do you want to transfer to one of the servers that can already win or would you rather try to help the third be competitive.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kreen.3925


Good luck with your choice.

Out of the three of BG, SoR and JQ, then going to JQ would probably be the best choice in terms of attempting to keep numbers equal out of those three servers. However, a force of 400 would tip the balance too much although I am guessing you probably field around 40-50 at any time which would be just about right.

I find it amusing that BG folks are suggesting you should go there. Given there are plenty of them in the current match up thread bragging about how they beat JQ by 100K last week. Priceless

Anyway, JQ has a solid core as others have said so I think you would find a good home there, we have a good outreach program and can help with rebuilding influence.

As much as it pains me to say this though you might be better off boosting another T2 server as the current second tier match up often does not work out well and another stronger T2 would be good. Of course if 1-2 guild could come to JQ and the others to somewhere else that would be perfect but I see you are an alliance so that won’t work.

I fight for JQ.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

We are 400 strong, but our numbers during prime time vary. It is physically impossible to get all 400 online, but we sometimes get close if we can get an event message posted with a fair amount of time, like a weeks notice.

On average, every day of the week, we mass about 150 between us. The good thing about our guilds, is we don’t try and bolster numbers inside the guild by keeping inactives on the roster. So out of the 400 odd people, all 400 are active at least 3 times a week.

I can see how people will feel that we are stacking a server if we go to T1. This is just the way Anet has built the game though, there is not much we can do about wanting to fight with the best on NA. The slope in coverage from T1 to T2 is poor. A T2 server would be very much a great destination to try bring a 4th server into the top tier to fight against JQ, BG and SoR. Fact of the matter is that both Tarnished Coast and Dragonbrand are far from perfect and for us to move to either we would have to be reassured they still have a passion for the game and are willing to change a few of their current bad behavious.

Depends on how you describe “the best”.. If your definition is the opponent with the most people, T1 is your game. If its guilds, there are great guilds in EVERY server, very organized guilds aren’t just in T1/2.

T1 is only T1 because people stacked servers and raised their rating higher by PvDooring, not that they are actually any better than another server. They just have more people.

ANet didn’t build the game to stack servers, players did that.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Thrashbarg.9820


We are 400 strong, but our numbers during prime time vary. It is physically impossible to get all 400 online, but we sometimes get close if we can get an event message posted with a fair amount of time, like a weeks notice.

On average, every day of the week, we mass about 150 between us. The good thing about our guilds, is we don’t try and bolster numbers inside the guild by keeping inactives on the roster. So out of the 400 odd people, all 400 are active at least 3 times a week.

I can see how people will feel that we are stacking a server if we go to T1. This is just the way Anet has built the game though, there is not much we can do about wanting to fight with the best on NA. The slope in coverage from T1 to T2 is poor. A T2 server would be very much a great destination to try bring a 4th server into the top tier to fight against JQ, BG and SoR. Fact of the matter is that both Tarnished Coast and Dragonbrand are far from perfect and for us to move to either we would have to be reassured they still have a passion for the game and are willing to change a few of their current bad behavious.

I hope this is just a troll post. If it’s not, kindly stay away from TC. We like our bad behavior just the way it is, thanks.

Two posts from Tarnished Coast people pretty much sums up the way the server is driven from an outside point of view. Unfortunately it reflects upon your server albeit not the opinion of the majority.

It is a two way street and we by all means we will endorse change to better fit the server we move to. But we would love to work closely with the server of choice to help change the meta for that server as well as work on community bonds and communications to secure the durability, and continuation of that server within the WvW area so not only WvW’s longevity is increased, but the game all together for those on that server.

Still pretty sure this is just trolling, but hey, I’m bored so I’ll play along. What bad behaviors do you feel need changing, from your perspective? Can you offer some proof of your tactical superiority? Who are you again? 400 person alliance from some low tier server we’ve never heard of? Can you post some videos of your awesomeness for us all to see? Because I really think we could benefit from your massive knowledge and experience. Can your TS server handle another 500 people, and will you be making it available to the server, or are you expecting someone else to foot the bill there?

Hats off to all the ones who stood before me, and taught a fool to ride.

(edited by Thrashbarg.9820)

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Adacian.9752


Two posts from Tarnished Coast people pretty much sums up the way the server is driven from an outside point of view. Unfortunately it reflects upon your server albeit not the opinion of the majority.

It is a two way street and we by all means we will endorse change to better fit the server we move to. But we would love to work closely with the server of choice to help change the meta for that server as well as work on community bonds and communications to secure the durability, and continuation of that server within the WvW area so not only WvW’s longevity is increased, but the game all together for those on that server.

What is ridiculous is the arrogant way you come onto the forums, telling a server how they need to change in order to have you grace us with your presence. Remember YOU are the guests coming to our house. To act like anyone gives a hoot as to your supposed WvW prowess or where you will end up even matters is a joke.

Frankly with that kind of attitude you bring into the forums I for one will be glad to not see you pollute our server with it.

(edited by Adacian.9752)

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: lemora.1304


If you really have as many active people in your alliance as you claim then no matter which server you transfer to you will instantly break that tier. Don’t forget the fairweather syndrome plays a very large role in a server’s performance. Some of us still care about what’s left of competition in this game…

P.S. My bet is on this alliance coming from Vizunnah

Lv 80 Guardian , Warrior, Elementalist, Necromancer and Mesmer
[GoF] of Blackgate

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: CHIPS.6018


Why not go to TC? They are clearly not ready for tier 1, and they need Oceanic/EU coverage. So if you guys go there it will give other tier 1 servers a good challenge when they face TC.

Keep in mind however that TC doesn’t “feel” desperate for manpower, because as a server winning isn’t everything to them. They win or lose and they don’t really care that much. And hence they might not be willing to pay as much as other servers who are more desperate.

Chipsy Chips(Necromancer) & Char Ashnoble(Thief)
The Order of Dii[Dii]-SBI→Kaineng→TC→JQ
Necro Encyclopedia-

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hawkeye.4698


Glittergirl, if you wish to know more bout Jade Quarry you can whisper or scout any of us and you will found out we are a great community

Last night’s fight (around 5am Server time)
was us vs BG in our BL, they had queue for sure, and we had queue also. However, they had enough to hold against us in our BL, hold against SoR in their BL and cap everything on their BL, I mean I have nothing against BG but they already have enough people on their WvW population. SoR on the other hand has great EU and SEA and some NA but they are weak in oceanic and some other areas that’s for sure.

As someone mentioned how Jade Quarry lost guilds to other servers, we are also a huge PvE server, so the ones that actually go to WvW every day is probably only 30-40% of the population of the server maybe even less.

Even if you say you’re alliance is 400 members in total, I doubt all 400 are going to be in WvW at the same time, real life > game.
So whichever server you pick, people think it’s going to be affected a lot, I doubt it. Because not all 400 are going to be online at the same time, but that’s my opinion.

Good luck finding your server and if you are going to Jade Quarry, then all I can say is Welcome Home!

Jade Quarry WvW Commander

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sharpoon.8197


The main reason why we are not thinking about servers outside of T1 is because of the lack of coverage. We play long hours, and we do not want to be caught fighting against FA or even worse CD, Maguuma and servers who we watched this week pretty much give up within 5 hours of reset.

NA tactics are a lot more zergy then EU, which could cause problems for us if we don’t have a substantial server to fight against. So T1 would be our best bet. As stated before, we would gladly go to Tarnished Coast if the community was better adept. Meaning we love the mentality of organization, weekly meetings and things. TS3 is a must for us though, as you all very well know the differences in VOIP. If they can work on these things it may be our number 1 choice. Our patience for our move will remain consistent as it will be our last move and our new home will end up being our resting place. We are looking for nothing short of perfect for us.

EU servers are not an option for us any more, we have been there for half the time we have played GW2. Although the tactics are far superior, we just can’t produce the play time we want, which is at least 16 hours a day. EU servers leave us PvDoor for half the day and night.

We are narrowing down the servers for NA. After a couple of meetings last night our list has changed a little, we want to put our feelers out and send some people to some new contenders. Our current list looks like this. Sanctum of Rall, Jade Quarry, Tarnished Coast and Dragonbrand.

We did want to go to tier 1 but with our numbers and coverage plus some other “fan boys” that will probably follow once our move goes public I don’t doubt that Dragonbrand or TC could end up being a solid contender in the T1 match ups. Therefore they remain on our radar.

Thank you to everyone who has been so helpful, I have received so many pm’s. Our intention is now to break T1 or stack an already stacked server, but as Leaders yourself, I hope you understand the need to hold your guilds’ well being above all.

FA, CD and Mag didn’t give up. They are facing servers much, much stronger than them. Know the difference!

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

Okay based the elitism that you show, please don’t join Sea of Sorrows you wouldn’t fit well in the community.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Actinotus.6410


The main reason why we are not thinking about servers outside of T1 is because of the lack of coverage. We play long hours, and we do not want to be caught fighting against FA or even worse CD, Maguuma and servers who we watched this week pretty much give up within 5 hours of reset.

I’m not sure you understand they new matchup system? There is no such thing as T1 anymore. If you join SoR or JQ you WILL be fighting against FA, CD or Maguuma.

Sea of Sorrows

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

The main reason why we are not thinking about servers outside of T1 is because of the lack of coverage. We play long hours, and we do not want to be caught fighting against FA or even worse CD, Maguuma and servers who we watched this week pretty much give up within 5 hours of reset.

I’m not sure you understand they new matchup system? There is no such thing as T1 anymore. If you join SoR or JQ you WILL be fighting against FA, CD or Maguuma.

Pretty much this. This is the point no one seems to understand now. The days of being locked in a 4 month long coverage war of your tier is over. Keeping “tiers” with super high population will keep this same thing going..and that is massive amounts of people on unbalanced, top heavy servers that will PvDoor every week because the RNG will not give you 2 servers who can match yours.

This isn’t directed at this 1 alliance, it’s directed at anyone looking to transfer servers.

WvW population needs to spread out so things like TC/SoS/CD don’t happen every week.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aylaine.1036


Fact of the matter is that both Tarnished Coast and Dragonbrand are far from perfect and for us to move to either we would have to be reassured they still have a passion for the game and are willing to change a few of their current bad behavious.

No server you choose will be perfect anyways. Also, what bad behavior are you talking about exactly? Both TC and DB are very good servers. We both recent got our butts kicked by T1 Servers, so we know that we have a lot to learn if we wanted to compete in that environment. Still, with that attitude, I’m not sure you would fit on honestly.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jyeoi.6027


Fist of the Empire is right. It is time to spread out the WvW pops because of the way the new system determines match ups.

Pick a server you think the name is cool or epic and fight for it.

Yulo – Champions of Stormbluff [SBI]

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ace.7361


I have been on SOR since day 1. Personally I think the teir 2 server to go to is TC and if you are still interested in T1 go to JQ, they need the man power. No reason to make anymore stacked servers they all end up breaking down.

Leader of [FEAR]

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Beannie.5982


I have been on SOR since day 1. Personally I think the teir 2 server to go to is TC and if you are still interested in T1 go to JQ, they need the man power. No reason to make anymore stacked servers they all end up breaking down.

But.. but.. Boss… SEA week nights are hell for us, even TC surpasses us on that time zone.

You guys have all the fun during NA nights. T_T

Sanctum of Rall

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: MagiKarp.8201


If you like being 2v1’d all night, join BG.

If you like being opportunists and taking points while the other two servers fight, join SoR.

If you like having free reign because of the two above reasons during SEA join JQ.

Magikarps Norn Ele – becuz leopard
Blackgate WvW Commander
Vanguard of Exiled Mercenaries [MERC]

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


I did PM you when I saw your thread starter to build initial rapport and get talks started. However, reading more and more of your posts you would not be a good fit for TC and I am starting to believe that this thread essentially is just calculated trolling. In TC we have the luxury and the long term planning to say “no” to guilds we don’t want as we have done in the past when Kaineng imploded. There are a lot more potential guilds out there that would be better fits for our server and still help bridge the gap coverage wise between us and T1 servers.

Why I think this is calculated trolling?
- Poster history sympathises with server loyalists and promotes less server stacking
- Poster history indicates she/he prefers to play 10 man havoc style in-game therefore is probably against the zergyness meta of NA in high tiers.
- Poster history implies she was in NA server a month ago and most of her references (examples) in posts are of NA servers not EU ones therefore its hard for me to fathom that this individual went to EU and within the span of a month became the spokesperson of a 4 guild alliance consisting of exaggerated numbers.

Lastly like all calculated trolls their goal is to have maximum reach/impact with their trolling which is where she slipped, she basically listed all the timezones outside of NA prime which means she wants her trolling to reach out to nearly all potential servers and have maximum reach.


Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

I did PM you when I saw your thread starter to build initial rapport and get talks started. However, reading more and more of your posts you would not be a good fit for TC and I am starting to believe that this thread essentially is just calculated trolling. In TC we have the luxury and the long term planning to say “no” to guilds we don’t want as we have done in the past when Kaineng imploded. There are a lot more potential guilds out there that would be better fits for our server and still help bridge the gap coverage wise between us and T1 servers.

Why I think this is calculated trolling?
- Poster history sympathises with server loyalists and promotes less server stacking
- Poster history indicates she/he prefers to play 10 man havoc style in-game therefore is probably against the zergyness meta of NA in high tiers.
- Poster history implies she was in NA server a month ago and most of her references (examples) in posts are of NA servers not EU ones therefore its hard for me to fathom that this individual went to EU and within the span of a month became the spokesperson of a 4 guild alliance consisting of exaggerated numbers.

Lastly like all calculated trolls their goal is to have maximum reach/impact with their trolling which is where she slipped, she basically listed all the timezones outside of NA prime which means she wants her trolling to reach out to nearly all potential servers and have maximum reach.

Case Closed! law and order sound effect

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: phaneo.4597




Tee See

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Somewhere, Theon is screaming at his monitor .. :P

Sorry Jayne, but it seems Theon agrees with the rest of us


Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Melchiorus.4678


As a representative of Sanctum of Rall I think I speak for most of us when I say we don’t need this many people so your alliance would be better off elsewhere. Sanctum is currently the top server in NA, really all we need to have nearly perfect coverage is 1-2 20-30 person Oceanic guilds and 1-2 SEA guilds of similar size. I honestly think that your alliance would be better off helping a Tier 2 server make the jump to Tier 1. Server building was some of my favorite times in this game.

If you are dead set on moving straight to a Tier 1 server, JQ would make the most sense, because a move to BG or SoR would completely throw off the balance of Tier 1.

Pain Train Choo [Choo] Leader

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hawkeye.4698


I seriously gotta add, respect to all Sanctum of Rall representatives, so respectful and willing to have a good match instead of ruining T1, Appreciate it guys and love playing against you guys

Jade Quarry WvW Commander

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Somewhere, Theon is screaming at his monitor .. :P

Sorry Jayne, but it seems Theon agrees with the rest of us

I know. I was kidding.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Yshyr.8709


Random matches everyone. Think about what that means. Unless we want weeks of boredom punctuated with one or two good matches then everyone needs to work to even out servers, and not just groups of 3.

If this is legitimate, and you insist on ‘t1’ then go to jq so there is at least some hope of keeping the match balanced. If you are looking at the long term health of the game then please give serious consideration to DB, TC, or FA. Honestly I would say FA. The random matches are going to continue to suck until we get at least the top 6 or better yet 9 servers on equal footing.

(On SoR btw, and while I know our Sea and Oceanic guys could use the help, SoR ticking 400+ 24/7 against bg and jq would be boring for everyone.)

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


JQ could use the help in tier 1.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jahn.7019


As someone who plays on SoR, if indeed your alliance is this large, I do not think it is a good idea for you to transfer to our server.

Right now the tier balance is very fragile.

If you are looking to transfer as an alliance, JQ is the only server that would make the most sense.

It’s safe to say BG needs nothing, when they actually come out and play they pretty much outnumber everyone.

SoR only needs 2 small Oceanic guilds/1 medium guild or 2 small AZ guilds/1 med AZ guild.

JQ needs 2 NA guilds(med/large), 2 OC guilds(med/large).

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

To everyone saying “server y in Tx needs help” there are no tiers anymore… SoR played the rank 7th server last week, that means JQ could play up to rank 9 or so based on rankings.

“Tier 1” servers only have a 50% chance to play each other each week, stacking these servers even more will ruin WvW, especially when they aren’t put up against each other.

No one has fun when you outnumber your opponent by 2-3 times.

Honestly, your best bet is to split up your alliance and go to servers where your exact coverage is needed.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Tortitudo Probo.2598

Tortitudo Probo.2598

As someone who plays on SoR, if indeed your alliance is this large, I do not think it is a good idea for you to transfer to our server.

Right now the tier balance is very fragile.

If you are looking to transfer as an alliance, JQ is the only server that would make the most sense.

It’s safe to say BG needs nothing, when they actually come out and play they pretty much outnumber everyone.

SoR only needs 2 small Oceanic guilds/1 medium guild or 2 small AZ guilds/1 med AZ guild.

JQ needs 2 NA guilds(med/large), 2 OC guilds(med/large).

It’s safe to say SoR needs no more guilds… No shame, lol


Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Runamok.9638


we would have to be reassured they still have a passion for the game and are willing to change a few of their current bad behavious.

What if they bamboozled you and decided to worsen their behavious? Would you put them in naughty timeouts involving whips, chains, and leather? I could get in to that. Please keep me posted as to where you transfer. I might have to follow. You guys sound super skilled, and totally chill, with a very happy go lucky attitude.


One Angry Brotha — Stafro Elementalist
Once in a While Mediocre Commander

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: SykkoB.9465


listen they gave us a list of servers they r looking at and its there choice

out of that list they said tc and db wasn’t a fit

sor doesn’t need this large of an alliance it would break any match we would be in

JQ COULD USE U GUYS PLZ GO THERE its the only server left on ur list that needs u imo. They also use ts

/cliide member of sor


Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Vazqo.8012


You honestly sound like more of a pain in the kitten than your worth…my 2 cents anyways

Czarist/Vazqo/Vazco et al
Fort Aspenwood

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ShadowX.4639


If any of your group decides they aren’t happy with the final decision, my guild Transcendent Veneration on TC is looking to amp up their WvW presence. We have space for roughly 100 members. Our guild is fully upgraded, with a pool of influence and merits enough to instantly purchase the next upgrade that comes out. Obviously we would want to be sure the transferred group was a good fit with our guys before hand. If you would like to discuss details please PM me. We use our own TS server for communication, TC uses mumble for the server com.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: xeang.3650


Let’s “try” summarize T1.. in a way as neutral as possible…lol

SOR is by far the strongest GW2 server, in Euro time it has IRON that’s pretty much the community of Desolation (T1 EU server), and it has many of the best and biggest NA guilds in GW2… TW, FEAR and Choo, and for SEA it has NYS a HK guild, SAHP a Taiwanese guild.. just these two guilds can fill a map by themselves. SoR SEA was ticking 400+ pts today. one word to describe SoR = organized

BG has MERC probably one of the biggest Oceanic power in GW2, and they have a Korean alliance that includes WM, ND and so on. BG recently added BT from FA to strengthen their NA. one word to describe BG is that they are hardcore wvw!!

JQ has ATM/FOO and its pubs during the SEA, still one of strongest SEA force in GW2. In NA, guilds like SF and AoS that remain strong for JQ. RG(my idol guild) seems to be visiting on JQ recently? one word to describe JQ perseverance… still in T1

If you want to lead a easy life, go for SoR. They have Teamspeak… that let them map hops with their entire server defending WP keeps by day… and they have the capability to que all BLs by night.. SoR also has the inherent advantage of their long server name which seemly multiplies their number to over 200 on a single map!!

BG is getting 2v1 a lot recently, they probably have fun AC farming us and stacking kills

and JQ is fighting outmanned a lot now, but its still pretty fun running around with bloodthirsty guilds like ATM and RG during the SEA and EU time

There are many guilds that transferred to SOR and BG recently… too many to mention… TSYM to SOR and RISE to BG etc etc. and JQ got RG transfer if they are not just visiting… if I miss any big T1 guilds that fields 30-40+? I’ll apologize in advance

So if you want to come T1, its a decision of fighting with the best or fighting against the best. but without a strong leadership, guilds just melt away in T1.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hawkeye.4698


This is the current scores of T1 at this current time, 11pm server time.


Jade Quarry WvW Commander

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Let’s “try” summarize T1.. in a way as neutral as possible…lol

SOR is by far the strongest GW2 server, in Euro time it has IRON that’s pretty much the community of Desolation (T1 EU server)

IRON = Community of Desolation?!?

Nobody is denying that Iron Triangle was the biggest blobbing WvWvW guild at Desolation and major force here and they were one of the main builders of our community. But we had so many other major guilds, VotF, GH, FG, Bull etc., who have also left our server. In total we lost around 10 big WvWvW guilds this Spring. Note that there are 3 Iron guilds. Eternal Iron and Iron Hall stayed at Desolation are still active here. Eternal Iron is nowadays called Eternal Invictus [INVI].

Now look at our current match up:

Surely we are losing almost 2:1 to Visunah Square and we are number 3 in that match up, but the sad reality is that we are outmanned most of time and being double teamed by two French servers with much better coverage.

While all those big guilds from Iron Triangle to VotF where still at Desolation we didn’t do any better against Visunah. Back then we were still losing every week and Visunah won every week. In fact the the point difference was very similar.

And now you come to tell the people here that Desolation’s community moved to Sanctum of Rall.

We still have the best pvp players of Guild Wars 2. We still got people, who don’t give up even in the matter of near impossible odds and can turn 3 to 1 outmanned match into a win. We some extremely skilled and resilient PuGs and outrageous commanders. We got server wide TeamSpeak, active forums, weekly meetings and a community. Yes, we lack coverage and we still lack PuG commanders as well and due having constant blow up match ups we are not that keen nor good at defense (besides it is really difficult to defend with just 10-15 against an enemy who rushes with 30-50 men and 3-7 guild golems).

Only if Desolation would have better coverage (outside EU peak hours)…

Ayna Micro
PuG commander

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: WRod.3856


Mr or Ms glittergirl.4162,

Your best options without breaking the game in t1 would be Jade Quarry or Dragonbrand. It will be nice to have a 5 server t1 rotation.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aurust.8961


Stay away from SOR please, and you can most definitely be assured we wont be “assisting” you with transferring over here as much as we would loooooooove for you to help us fix our bad behaviors.

Master- [DKLT] The Darkness and The Light

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Chris.3290


I’ll go on the assumption, probably wrong, that this isn’t a troll post. Just don’t…please don’t.
There is no server that you can pick out of all the NA servers that won’t break all of WvW for everyone. +400 WvW’rs is more than the entire Friday night population of any server below T2.

I promise you that if you move to T1, the other servers will disband, that no one will face you, and you’ll just be running around with nothing to do all but 2 hours a week.

The only way I can condone this action, is if this a protest move intended to permanently break WvW; to prove to ANet how much they have broken the system to force them to either address the format or go become Armenian sheepherders.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

Like I said before, the best thing for you to do if you want to move to NA, is to break up your alliance and go to servers that need coverage in your guild’s timezone.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

Luiz Swordbreaker.6547

I’ll go with the rest of the dudes here, and recommend TC or DB. With that coverage boost, we could have another server that can actually put up a fight against T1, giving some more diversity to the top of the ladder.
Also, why is the type of VoIP a problem? If you don’t want to use the server one, just use your own. A guild with 400+ members should be able to fight on its own anyway.

[Scnd] Use Your Illusion

(edited by Luiz Swordbreaker.6547)

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: kyro.8162


Well, assuming this isn’t a troll post and looking at your 4 choices of SoR, JQ, DB, and TC….
SoR has a widely used ts that almost every guild uses. The one or two that don’t still keeps reps in there though. Though SoR may seem like a good choice, a alliance of that size will only make SoR the undisputed champion of NA (probably EU as well) until people get bored or stack another server.
JQ also uses ts frequently and is faltering due to their lack of coverage. Mainly due to a mass exodus of fair weathers to DB or other servers. They can certainly use the extra help, but the EU time zone is VERY fragile at the moment. HB on BG is making a come back, but it is unknown if they will continue to play the game. JQ has RG (YOLO) who may or may not stay. IF both HB and RG decide to stay, the guilds you add may cause a unbalance in t1. (a 30 man guild in EU makes a big difference, a 400+ alliance with people pulling 16 hours is another story.)
TC as stated before uses mumble, but despite this they are still a solid server and a T1 contender if they have more coverage.
DB is in the same position as TC. A possible T1 contender if given coverage.

All in all, if you were to come to NA, TC, DB, or JQ is your best bet (if you are unwilling to split your alliance).

Sanctum of Rall
New Namek [Kami]

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: jul.7602



Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hadan.2841


Stay on the EU side, closer to your timezones!!

Leader/Driver of Krew/MR

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Strever.8764


Not to undermine you or anything, but what’s the advantage of going to a high tier server? Go ahead and take a look down at t7 and 8, which would benefit amazingly from 400+ people transfering to them. HoD is a well rounded server with quite a few good WvW guilds just lacking the numbers. We continually fight servers way above us with this new match up and with your numbers we could prosper and fly through the ranks of server. So before you click that transfer button just think…what would jesus do? Go to a server with annoying already extremely stacked server with q’s to get into maps (gl getting 400+ more people into already queue’d maps) or come down where you’re really needed and will be celebrated? I think the answer is quite obvious. If you need any more information we have our own server with forums and a server wide mumble that would be more than willing to host your guilds if needed. We have weekly WvW meetings to discuss reset night and what needs to happen. No giants blob fests, yay! Do you want to have a server where roaming groups really matter and combat tactics actually matter and are greatly respected. (PAXA, KoM, etc.) If so, HoD is for you.

Ipsum Elusus [GG] Sourceri – Elementalist – BP Roamer

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: nirvana.8245


Just look at these already stacked server begging for more players…

Large Alliance wanting to transfer (NA)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


Tarnished coast is pretty stacked in NA. I don’t think we could handle 400 more without people transferring off to get away from queue times.

IMHO: DB, FA, or SoS.

Stay away from T1 servers, and TC (since our NA is quite stacked already).