Looking For A Guild
Hey Skeubie,
I’m recruiting for a new guild called Too Easy based in the Darkhaven server. It’s completely new as I just started it yesterday with a friend of mine, so there are only 2 members so far. We plan on expanding the guild to reach around 75-100 people. We want a casual style guild where people don’t feel forced to log on, instead they are enthusiastic to log on each time to play with their guild mates. That being said, there is no strict requirement to join the guild, only that the person is friendly and represents Too Easy as much as possible.
Right now, the plan is to focus primarily on PvE content until the guild is large enough to consistently organize PvP and WvW groups/events. If you’re interested in joining in on the start up of a new guild, you can hop onto our
guild website: tooeasy.guildlaunch.com
for more information and to apply. Right now we do not have a VOIP, but we do use skype and I can host a vent server if need be.
Even if you don’t decide to join the guild I enjoy helping out new players, so if you have any questions about any aspects of the game feel free to PM me in game or message me here and I’d be happy to help you out.
Good luck!
Beer n Peanuts [BNP]
Server: Eredon Terrace
Hello! We are a PvX guild, which means, we focus on PvE, PvP, and WvW. Beer N Peanuts is established to let people enjoy their gaming while offering a community to support their efforts. We’re aware that not everyone has the same gaming interest, skill level, and play availability. This is what we’d like to call “Life” and it will be supported within our Guild.
About Us:
• New to the game? – We are very friendly, helpful, and fun.
• Active – We are an active guild, most members online in the evenings EST, but recruiting all time zones.
• Website – beernpeanuts.guildlaunch.com
• Voice Communication – We use Ventrilo and Teamspeak
What We Do:
• World Bosses – We link information when bosses are up and group up to complete these meta events nightly.
• Missions – All guild missions unlocked and are done weekly by the guild.
• Dungeons- We do story and explorable modes.
• Living Story- We enjoy doing the living story.
• WvW – Guild WvW Wed/Fri 8pm ET (attendance optional)- have a small group that also runs regularly
• PvP – Some PvP activity
• Fractals – guild groups for fractals
Hopefully this answers any questions you may have. Otherwise feel free to contact me in game at: Jadefire.7642 or BeerNPeanuts.4573 or submit an application at
Also see our latest video:
I am building 5 guilds for Apocalyptic Armageddon (AARM). PVX Guild that does it all. I added a second guild in September to the AARM Conglomerate and that guild is 90 Percent Upgraded. We have a 400 Member TeamSpeak that plays as our “Alliance Chat Channel” and is our members link to all five guilds plus we have AARM Ambassadors in each guild that helps keep members of each guild in touch if they don’t use TeamSpeak. We do WvW every single night though that is not mandatory and have the best WvW Commander in Tarnished Coast and even though we do our own thing on our Own TeamSpeak Channel, lately we have been having one member from AARM in the Tarnished Coast Mumble Server when our Commander Leads our WvW events so that the TC Mumble is on top of things and able to do what AARM does and that is defeat our enemies. AARM and the TC MUMBLE are a team and we are thankful for their contributions to Tarnished Coast and our part, no matter how small in the large scheme of things is still our little bit we can offer TC Server and the TC Mumble is the grand full picture and we do appreciate their kindness and willingness to accept that AARM doesn’t use TC Mumble and allow us to have one representative at TC Mumble when it is AARM’s turn to lead Tarnished Coast to victory.
AARM is now 3 GUILDS, 1300 Active Members strong. AARM1 and AARM2 are both 500 Members each, and “active members” Dating back to 30 days. We are continuing our Tarnished Coast Only Drive for 5 guilds, 2500 Members. Please contact me for invite here or in game or any of our AARM Ambassadors if I am offline. We are the first and only “Tarnished Coast Only” Guild to kill Tequatl and we do it every single weekend! Yes, TTS does kill Teq, but are 9 Guilds from my last report, and are on multiple servers and multiple leaders. AARM-Single Leader 5 Guild Conglomerate. Give us a shot! We have the method. All we need to make the guilds of AARM complete is for you to join. AARM3 is hungry for your skills. Bring it!
We have room for up to 2500 Members and are adding 125 Members on Average per week.
Bump to AARM!
Blissful Epidemic [Blis]
Gate of Madness
Hi there!
The Remnants of Hope is based on Tarnished Coast and offers PvX, WvW, and Rp while maintaining a fun and social atmosphere in both guild chat and TS3. No aspect is a requirement all we require is that you play the game to have fun!
If you would like to know more please check out http://www.remnantsofhope.com/gw2 and/or send me a message in game!
Recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope
Hello there Skeubie,
As a representative / member of the guild Thesaurum Venatores on the Aurora Glade server . We are looking for new members to help us build a robust guild. Please bare in mind that the guild is newly created and does not have all the trimmings (upgrades) like many guilds do – these will be acquired in due time. If you take a look as to what the guild has to offer in terms of what it can do for you, please take a look at the guilds recruitment post here
We also have an age requirement, this is to keep all forms of drama at zero. Since we are a mature guild.
Thank you for your time.
PS if you’re in to anime, then you’ll be right at home.
Looking for a witty and fun group to hang out with that can spank some mobs one moment and WvW invaders the next? Then come join the fun with UM! We are a FULLY upgraded guild.
We are currently looking for more active members to join our ranks. Must have an interest of any level (at least some or full) in PvE and WvW as we are a PvX guild. You don’t necessarily have to be good, that part will come ;D Just have a love for chatting and killing some nerds!
Scheduled Events across all platforms of the game! (all optional but encouraged)
– Daily Dungeons. Fractals. Guild Missions.
– sPvP and tPvP
– 2 WvW Nights
Fully upgraded
– All guild missions available
– 3 guild bank tabs for sharing mats, dungeon potions, food for lvling, siege etc.
– 24/7 Magic Find and Gathering Bonus buffs
– Scheduled crafting, gold, and experience buffs!
Extremely Social
– Website with Forums
– Teampseak with users on usually at all hours
– Monthly movie/drinking nights and games (UM favorite)
– Contests with $$ prizes
– 99.9% drama free We are here to have an enjoyable experience!
Leave the dirt outside.
– We are friendly, love to joke, and socialize creating long term friendships
Have Questions? Msg any one of our mods or leaders and we would be more than happy to help! Rits.4036, Jinxey.4173, Redivivus.9253, Hellfire.3591 or check out our recruitment threadwith more details.
Sounds like we are the perfect fit for you?
Check us out at http://theunholymackerels.enjin.com to apply!
Héllkaizer UM’s #1 officer in the whole world