Looking for Guild - casual player

Looking for Guild - casual player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Darith.5604


About me in GW2:
- server is Sorrow’s Furnace
- have HoT (working on masteries; rank 28 right now)
- Main a necro (reaper w/minions; just had to continue from the GW1 days).
- Recently hit 80 with my rev; have two others in mid-levels (ranger & ele) and one low (guardian).
- PVE mainly, only hit PVP once and never did WvW (willing to try, though)
- Enjoy fractals, but have never gone past the early stages
- Nowhere near top-tier skills; hopefully not bottom-rung either, though
- Love to learn from those that enjoy teaching and showing the tricks of the trade

About me IRL:
- 35, been in gaming since I can remember, but tend to stay away from MMOs, though GW has kept me due still having a more laid back approach than normal
- work 11-12 hour days, try to take Wednesdays off (around year-end is all work all the time)
- USA, central time
- on 5-7pm or 6-8pm on worknights
- try to get a good 6 to 8 hours in per day when not working

So, if the above sounds like anything that might fit your guild, please drop me a line. I read the forums daily, and log in daily if you’d rather contact me in game.

Thanks for reading.

Looking for Guild - casual player

in Looking for...

Posted by: wolfhound.2091


Heya wedelove to have ya at moocraft we are in the world sanctum of rall if your willing to move to a different server we are a fairly new guild new players too just trying to grow but we are all friends here.

Looking for Guild - casual player

in Looking for...

Posted by: Minitopo.3124


Hello! [HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We may be small (for now), but we have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead. We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together! This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize lots of guild missions, raids, etc and also eventually get our own guild hall. If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!! Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it. feel free to add me ingame to keep in touch