Looking for Guild that audio chats!
Oh by the way I currently have a lv 27 warrior on Tarnished Coast, but I am more than willing to create a new player to get into the right guild… might be fun to start fresh ;P
Show me what you got!
Hiya Xanthoshawk! If you’re looking for a small-ish, close-knit guild, then Ember Solace might be for you. We’re on TC, like you, and we have TeamSpeak3. Many of our players use it often. We’re most active during afternoon/evenings EDT, and people like getting on TS to chat and just do silly things. We have regular EotM activities and we’ve also had scheduled events for the Living Story Crown Pavilion (happening again tomorrow night).
If you’re interested, you can check out our forum. If you register, you get read-access to our GW2 section, where you can see our “Calendar & Events” sub-forum to see what kinds of events we schedule (although keep in mind we also have many spur-of-the-moment events, too) and get a feel for our community (including reading over our Purpose & Principles to see if our guidelines will be a good fit). Let me know if you have any questions! =)