Looking for Oceanic (Kiwi/Aus) timezone guild

Looking for Oceanic (Kiwi/Aus) timezone guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Hey all. I’m looking for a Oceanic time zone guild – other Kiwi’s and Aussies (I’m in NZ).

Been playing for a couple of months now (although played for a short while at launch, and played gw1 for ages), got my Ranger to 80 (and reasonably geared I think), and currently obsessed with exploring every nook and cranny of Tyria – the achievements are so addictive to chase down.

Recently done a few dungeons and found them quite fun, as well as random guild events that spring up that other guilds were doing and invited the zone to come along to, and World Bosses & Temple invasions in Orr (or whatever you call them). I must say, the community is very friendly – that’s one thing I have noticed. Everyone helps everyone – very cool.

Would be keen to try out all the other group and guild content as well – more than happy to pull my weight and am a quick study. Still gotta get the other classes down – Warrior will be next I reckon.

Any who, if any Oceanic guilds are recruiting, chuck me a message, or leave a post.

Side note: I tried using the forum search function, but it flat out doesn’t work :-(

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Looking for Oceanic (Kiwi/Aus) timezone guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: MashMash.1645


Still hunting about for a NZ / Oz time zone guild. :-D

Pre-Ordered HoT | Recently started to get what I paid for – may spend $$$

Looking for Oceanic (Kiwi/Aus) timezone guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Loki.8034


Currently servers that have high OCX (Aus/Kiwi) pop are SOS and JQ servers. I cannot speak for JQ but in SOS there’s is a few OCX guilds, pm me for info.