Looking for PvE guild (Yak's Bend)

Looking for PvE guild (Yak's Bend)

in Looking for...

Posted by: ThrottleFox.2735


Hey, returning player here, I’ve just gotten back in to GW2, last time I played was when fractals came out. So I decided to start looking for a large guild that guild missions as well as fractals, thought I haven’t done any of these in a long long time and would like to start doing them again and learning the ropes from scratch.

My main is a geared(exotic) guardian(old condi removal bunker build), I also have a zerker warrior(80) and working on a Mesmer and ele, I also have a thief that I rarely play, but want him due to he has 400JC.

I have just some back from a rather large break from the game(12 months or so).
Oceanic time zone would be best but not needed as I’m aussie but also up late a night.

(edited by ThrottleFox.2735)

Looking for PvE guild (Yak's Bend)

in Looking for...

Posted by: armstrongjr.5420


hello wisper me when you get on