Looking for Super Friendly + Social Guild[EU]

Looking for Super Friendly + Social Guild[EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Artaire.8371


Hey guys, I am UK based and I’m looking for a social guild to hang out with. To make friends, do dungeons, world bosses, WvW, SPvP etc and eventually fractals. I enjoy all aspects of GW2 I played heavily at release and dropped off for quite a bit but I’m looking to keep playing with a nice bunch of folks! I’m currently based on Vabbi but I am willing to move (more than willing actually lol), a lot of my friends moved away from the server a while ago because it was virtually dead so I can’t say I am too fussed haha.

I’m mildly autistic so I’m a bit of a socially awkward git so I need a bit of help lol. Just looking to have fun and have a laugh with some nice people in a chilled relaxed environment who don’t mind me dropping off radar to deal with RL stuff every now and then. I’m 18+ and I mainly play Guardian/Engy and I’ve got decent gear and a brain too haha


Looking for Super Friendly + Social Guild[EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Hey Artaire : D

You can check out the guild I’m with. It’s on the Aurora glade server, you can guest over any time. The guild is pretty much a casual guild, that does do all the said things you wish to do. You can check out the guild recruitment post here. Don’t mind the age requirement, we can make exceptions.
