Looking for a Guild in NA server [mainly RP]

Looking for a Guild in NA server [mainly RP]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Nuvat.6431


I’ve never RPed in an MMO, but I am very curious about it, it looks like a lot of fun, and I really, really want to participate. I’m currently in Ferguson’s Crossing, and I noticed that a lot of the RP guilds are in the Tarnished Coast, and I’ll switch servers if I have to. I don’t really focus too much on Fractals, Dungeons, PvP or WvW because I’m not that great at it, although I am willing to try on these too. Don’t expect me to be super awesome at it. Please. xD

I currently have a lvl 80 Sylvari Elementalist, a lvl 60 Asura Necromancer (I mainly play this guy), a lvl 26 Asura Mesmer, a lvl 11 Asura Guardian and a lvl 8 Charr Engineer. Yeah, I love Asuras. c:

I saw some guilds like HOPE and TALE (I have a tumblr, okay?!), and they look interesting enough. I was wondering if there were more, so I can see my options.

Thank you!