Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Overeem.1953


As title states, Myself and 3 of my friends are looking for a more mature guild that actually has a set of rules based around being mature and promotes guild activities and utilizes voice chat for better sociability and coordination for instances and especially pvp.

My friends and myself are on the server Crystal Desert, and currently we are in a guild that does do guild activities however is very disorganized and few discussions with the guild leader ignores my attempts in getting the guild to use voice chat for better coordination. (we offered our own raidcall server for the guild). Also the guild (which I will be leaving shortly) thinks its absolutely hilarious to make stupid jokes that involve children (girls to be more exact..) that just sickens myself and my friends who have children.

So, bottom line my friends and I are looking for a guild that has fun in the right way, coordinates well with ALL guild members, utilizes voice chat and does instances/fractals and has a presence in WvW/Arenas.

Thanks for reading!

Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Resurrected.4132


Hi Overeem,

Free Armed Ronin of Tyria are a US/UK run guild based on the Ferguson’s Crossing server. We have just set up and are run as a casual mature guild as we all know that real life more often that not comes before gaming unless you are young and not working (oh to be both again!).

Here is a little bit about us:

The Free Armed Ronin of Tyria has been formed by Sto & Res; both of us long time gamers. We are from the US & UK respectively and met in another GW2 guild. After being there for some time we decided it was the right time to move on and set up a guild of our own that will (hopefully) appeal to many players out there who cannot find a guild that gives them all they want.

What type of guild are we?

A newly formed casual, mature guild.

What can you expect from us?

We know that real life comes first and with that in mind we are a casual guild, and will not expect any member to log in to a set schedule. Although if you join us we will expect you to represent us. Why? Because above all we want to develop a great spirit and community atmosphere. We believe this can only be accomplished if members take part. After all, you would not join a football team and then not take part in games with them!

We will look to accommodate all types of player – PvE, PvP, WvW, Dungeon & Fractal. How? We will be looking for leaders that enjoy these aspects of the game and will look to develop these members to lead in their area of skill & expertise. So if you enjoy PvP but PvE bores you we will have events for you, and the same with other areas of the game.

What do we expect from you?

Simple – to take part, be friendly to other members, represent us, and above all have fun and don’t take things seriously. After all, our tag is FART…

We have voice comms and encourage members to use this so we all get to know each other. Our website can be viewed here

You are welcome to guest with us to see if we are a fit. Hope to hear from you.

Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: chygnet.3598


Hello Overeem,

The Progenitors [RI] might be the guild for you!
We are based in Crystal Desert and we are a PvX guild, with more focus on WvW.
Team play is an aspect we highly value, which is why we encourage our members to use Teamspeak3 for guild missions, raids, dungeons and fractals too.

More info about our guild:

Do drop me or other contacts a whisper or pm in game if you have any questions. We hope to hear from you soon~

Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: shiri.4257


What time zone do you play in? Are you looking for a large guild (250>) or smaller (<250)?

Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”

Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Overeem.1953


Hey guys, thanks for the responses, I will make sure to look into each of your guilds in detail and discuss it with my friends.

@shiri – We are mostly all Eastern time, as to the size of the guild isn’t so much a issue as to how well the leader/officers connect with each of its members. That entails to grouping for Pvp’ing to doing instances to just friendly chatter. We are just looking for a more mature friendly environment that utilizes voice chat (we hate typing :P).

Also with some discussion we also would not be opposed to moving to a different server. My friends are fairly new to the game and to have a guild that takes new members ‘under their wings’ to explain WvW/Dungeons/Fractals would go a long way for us as well.

Thanks in advanced. And Happy New Year!

Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: shiri.4257


NA eastern. I’d suggest [GDAM] or [Sig] if you want one that’s more pve oriented with a touch of wvw and everything else. We mooch off of them for pve stuff because we’re too lazy to run the guild missions ourselves.

Desert Spectre [VII]-Crystal Desert
“You’re never out of the fight.”

Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Overeem.1953


Just wanted to update this thread as myself and one other of my friends has decided to migrate to TC. So with saying that we are looking for a established/mature/uses voice chat (for everything) guild.

Thanks for the responses in advanced!

Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: HaloaOhana.2073


Hi there!

The Remnants of Hope is based on Tarnish Coast and offers PvX, RP, and WvW while maintaining a fun and social atmosphere in ts3 and guild chat. We don’t really have a mold for you to try and fit to. The biggest asset in the guild is the community. We have several different aspects that you can play in or just hang out with us in guild chat and/or ts3 and do nothing. Whatever makes the time that you have to game the best!

If you would like to know more please visit http://www.remnantsofhope.com/gw2 and/or send me a message in game.

Recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope

Looking for a Mature Guild..Tarnished Coast

in Looking for...

Posted by: Val Sokord.6587

Val Sokord.6587


Since you have recently moved to TC, I want to say welcome to the best server around.

I represent Dissentient [DIS], we are a mature guild, meaning life comes first; even for our principal members. Other than that we pretty much do everything. Guild missions are on Sundays, and we have several who command in WvW on various nights of the week. Dungeons, and fractals (high levels 40+) are also common both before and after WvW or Missions.

We are also expanding to other events, such as this last Tuesday when we all the did the Aetherblade jump puzzle in Gendarran Fields, which meant a lot of dying for those of us, me, who sometimes fail at jumping. I personally don’t PvP much, i’m still not great at not dying in 1v1 fights but there are others in the guild that do with much success.

We chat using mumble, its not required just really helpful, and use it to organize groups that are doing “X” right now, or have meetings about where the guild is at and where it is going. Most of our members can at least listen even if they don’t have a mic to talk.

If you’d like to get a taste of our guild message me in game and I’ll let you know what the guild is up to. Also you can look into the guild at http://dissentient.org/

(edited by Val Sokord.6587)