Looking for a Role-playing guild ^_^

Looking for a Role-playing guild ^_^

in Looking for...

Posted by: EbonWingedSlayer.9023


Hello! Let me get right to it. I have recently decided to pick up GuildWars2 again after an unannounced year long hiatus ( Due to some unfortunate circumstance Mysterious n_n ). Understandably, the guild I was previously loyal to, kicked me for inactivity. My only regret is that I never got to say goodbye ;-; .

However, they were a serious guild, and I found that I could never keep up with them in terms of PvP (I really really suck at this game :P ). But, what I enjoyed the most was the feeling of belonging to a family. Meeting people you can joke around with, ask for advice pertaining to things both in game and irl, and even get into character from time to time.

I am an open-minded and eccentric young man who tends to go off on tangents very often xD . I am not sure if what I am looking for exists, but I thought this would be worth a shot. Heck, I am not confident that anyone is ever going to read this. But, If there are any RP guilds out there, who are laid back and warm-hearted ( and non-toxic :P ), I would be honoured to be part of your family.

Thank you for your time and consideration!


Looking for a Role-playing guild ^_^

in Looking for...

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


Hey there, mate. There are plenty of RP guilds still kicking around, and for a full list I suggest having a look at guildwars2roleplayers.com. It’s an enjin site that serves as the main hub of the game’s RP community. Ought to be plenty of listings on there for currently recruiting RP guilds.