Looking for a all around guild

Looking for a all around guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: joey fester.3064

joey fester.3064

I bought the game when it first came out and played for about 2 months and have decided to start playing a again looking for a guild that is PvE, PvP, WvWvW but also has live comms I’m most familiar with TS3. will change severs and I’m on around 5pm to10pm eastern time

(edited by joey fester.3064)

Looking for a all around guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Daghet.8932


Hello Joey!

I think the guild I represent would interest you quite a bit MadCast Gaming is a primarily PvE focused guild, although we do step into WvW and PvP on occasions. We have a solid group of members in GW2 and there is always someone on who can answer some questions

Our player base is mostly in NA, and our ‘prime time’ is usually from around 6PM EST till 4AM EST, but we do have players on outside of this time.

MadCast is a gaming community that is bigger than GW2, but we are working on growing our GW2 sector right now. You can check out our website at http://www.madcastgaming.com/ips/forums.
I especially suggest you read through the forums some to get a feel for what we are all about! Here are some points you may find attractive about MadCast:

  • We have a mature community. While MadCast has no specific age requirements we do have high expectations for maturity. You will find kind, patient people and no drama. The vast majority of our members are over 18 (especially in GW2). Most of our GW2 members are older with careers, and many have families and children.
  • We are a serious community with casual gameplay. In other words, the main expectations we have for members revolves around positive contribution to the community and not on a packed GW2 schedule attendance. If you are active in the forums and show up to a few events a week, that is good enough for us. Additionally, because we are casual our community is made out of all levels of players. We have many very new players, some new to gaming in general, and our environment is built on kindness and helpfulness. People will be happy to answer your questions and guide you through things no matter how basic or advanced.
  • We have a super awesome, active TeamSpeak group. We enforce strict rules of respectfulness and tolerance among our players, making it a safe friendly place for everyone. People of all types feel comfortable joining in the conversation and making new friends.
  • Our community is bigger than in-game. We have a website with a lot of activity and heavy forum use. This is a huge asset because we have people who play all kinds of games over at MadCast, and the forums really serve as the uniting factor among people.

If you check out our website, you will see information about becoming a Full Member of MadCast. This is not something you need to do right away. Our guild welcomes ‘Associate’ Members, meaning we will add you to the guild, you are free to use our TeamSpeak and join our Forums, but you do not have complete access rights for inviting people to the guild yourself, or accessing certain Full Member parts of our forum.

This is a good way to find out if MadCast is the right fit for you before applying. In the long run, to gain any ranking position, we require people to be an official MadCast Full Member.

If you want to, I’d love to invite you to join us and meet some of our members. I would encourage you to join us in our TeamSpeak (you can find information about that here: http://www.madcastgaming.com/ips/forum/4-new-to-madcast/). Alternatively, you can private message me in game, and I would be happy to add you in to one of our parties.

If you have any questions you can message me in game, post here, or join our forums and ask there. Good luck finding a place for you!

Looking for a all around guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: SeeingBlue.8453



Sounds like you might be a good fit for our community. Have a look.

If you are looking for a structured multi-game community you can call home then I invite you to review Great Architect. Instead of giving some TL:DR article, I have provided some key points below.

Our Community

  • Stormbluff Isles – We are active on SBI, but allow guesting. Don’t forget you can delete all your chars for a free transfer.
  • Mature – Our ages range from 18 – 30+.
  • Active – Recruiting all time zones. We have 60+ members. Most active around 10PM+- EST.
  • Website – Our site is hosted by Enjin. Used to share information and promote our events.
  • Community Oriented – We are community first, guild second. We look for community members.
  • Voice Comms – We use Mumble & Enjin chat via Overwolf overlay to communicate across multiple games.
  • Live Streamers – We promote our Twitch streamers. Our streamers often do giveaways.
  • Newbie Friendly – We are very helpful and always welcome new players.

In-Game Activity

  • WvW – Weekly WvW night. We run in small groups.
  • sPvP – Not much sPvP activity but we will support anyone wanting to start a team.
  • Leveling – We often team up with and help our lower levels.
  • Dungeons – Eager to run Dungeons, often done nightly.
  • Fractals – Same as above. Our most active runners are nearly level 10+.
  • World Bosses – We often report active bosses and kill most of them on a nightly basis.
  • Missions – Actively unlocking missions.
  • Representing – We do not require 100% representation, but atleast 75+-%.

I believe this covers just about everything. If you have any questions feel free to mail me in-game. You may also submit an application at http://greatarchitect.us

Thank you,
-Great Architect Admin

Great Architect | Casual PvX [WvW, sPvP, Dungeons, World Bosses, Living Story]
Multi-Game | Mumble | Live Streamers | Newbie Friendly

Looking for a all around guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: HaloaOhana.2073


Remnants of Hope – Light from a few can be a beacon to many

Guild Name: Remnants of Hope [HOPE]
Server: Tarnished Coast
Time Zone: International, primarily North America
Playstyle: PvX, WvW
Roleplay: Optional, Light-Medium
Website: www.remnantsofhope.com/boards
Recruitment: OPEN

About Us
Remnants of Hope was founded on June 7, 2009. Originally a Star Wars Galaxies guild, it moved to Star Wars: The Old Republic at launch. Well known and respected on the Jung-Ma server, we continue to have an active, positive presence in the game.
At the request of its members, Remnants of Hope has changed into a multi-gaming guild to accommodate Guild Wars 2. Over the past 3 years we have undergone changes but continue to improve with age and experience. We strive to provide an engaging environment for all players to play the way they want. In GW2, we currently have a core group of about 10 members who play daily, with many other more casual players who pop in a few times a week, and we are looking to expand our ranks.

Mission & Goals
Remnants of Hope stands for a lot of things, truthfully. If our atmosphere shows anything, it shows our integrity, maturity, respect and our very will to survive. Now that last one might seem a bit extreme, but our undying loyalty to our guild and the loyalty shown by many of our members today have risen from the ashes of what would have kept many guilds down! We are ever evolving and ever improving as we continue to age and grow.
We aim to serve as a place where people can escape from their daily struggles and stress of life, to simply enjoy their time that they have to spare. Our motivation is to ensure everyone has the best experience that we can offer! As a “Light from the few can be a beacon to many,” we hope to empower our members and prove inspiration to many of the guilds within the GW2 community. We all have one common goal among us and that is a pleasant gaming experience!

Remnants of Hope wants to give you the opportunity to build your own playstyle. This means we offer PvE, PvP/WvW and RP. You are free to play the way you want! Don’t care for PvE but love PvP? Go for it! Not so hot for either PvE or PvP but want to really immerse yourself in your character through role-play? Not a problem. Whether you’re casual, semi-hardcore, or hardcore, we’re right there with you. We don’t limit ourselves to one thing that the game has to offer, but all fields that we can conquer as an ever-growing community. Our focus is far from linear like some guilds might be, and we will make the best of everything we’re given! Some will learn much more quickly than others; why not have our members help you reach full potential and maximize your enjoyment of the game?

Recruitment officer for Remnants of Hope

Looking for a all around guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hellfire.3591


[UM] on FA is a tight knit PvX guild (~25 core members, 65 members) where we definitely care about one another and interact daily through TS3 and guild chat. We PvE ~50% WvW 40% and sPvP 10%. We do require 100% rep for everything except personal guild banks so that would not be a problem at all! Hopefully we are what you are looking for as we’d love to have you join us

I encourage you to check out all the details about us here:

- https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/The-Unholy-Mackerels-UM-PvX-Fort-Aspenwood/first#post2450661

or check out our site! :d
- http://theunholymackerels.enjin.com/home

If you have any other questions I would be more than happy to answer, just let me know Good luck in your search!

Looking for a all around guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Michael Welch.5296

Michael Welch.5296

A bit about S T Y L E:
• Server: Jade Quarry – We are active only on JQ, but allow guesting. For a free transfer to JQ, you simply need to delete any characters you have created – so if you’re just starting out, head to Jade Quarry!
• Team: Our leadership team works hard to ensure that everyone in S T Y L E is enjoying what they want to enjoy in the game. We feel our job as leaders is to help facilitate your good time, and to lead by example.
• You: Can be anyone – new, experienced, young, old, in-between. The (known) ages of our members range from college students to retirees. We don’t concentrate on age, only maturity. Conduct in guild chat is strictly monitored and enforced – no name calling, discrimination, or drama.
• Life + Laughter: We refuse to be ultra-serious, and we always keep in mind that Real Life comes first. As such, the guild has no requirements for representing (although not repping does affect your rank), TeamSpeak/Website use, participation in events, or other restrictions.
• Experience/Skill Level: S T Y L E does have a special place in its black, black heart for players that are new to GW2 or to MMOs in general. We do not believe in ‘noobs’, only players that haven’t had the same experiences as some who’ve been around longer. We are very happy to guide, party with, provide info to, and nurture new players. Or for that matter, experienced players who need guidance with a new/different aspect of this multi-faceted game.

A bit MORE…
• Who: We have 50+ members. Most active around 3PM+- EST, but members can be found online at almost all times. We are very active in guild chat and in our TeamSpeak server.
• Activities: Structured guild activities are always evolving, and we currently host Tues/Thurs Dungeon nights; Wednesday Jumping Puzzle or Mini-Dungeon events; Fractal Fridays, and typically a Guild Bounty on Sunday nights. Ad-hoc parties constantly form of S T Y L E members helping each other to complete personal stories, map completion, or other events.
• Website + Voice: http://jqstyle.enjin.com is currently being re-designed by our guild webmaster – and we use TeamSpeak on the Jade Quarry TS server (ts.jadequarry.com), although it is not a requirement for membership in the guild.

Looking for a all around guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deadnight.5948


SOR – [BURN] recruiting All time zones
International players are welcome too.

[BURN] is 2month old guild recruiting mature and laidback players
PVE and WVW havoc/roaming after working hours
We are looking for members to grow the guild together,
as a community.

Female friendly
Newbie Friendly
Mulit-Server Friendly

Currently on guild bounty and guild trek
New Player PVE mentoring
LvL mentoring
Guild event depending on the living story if needed for completion in big groups.

Prime time: 8:30p.m(+8gmt) or 5:30am server time. (SEA/OCEANIC)
Other Prime Times are (-5gmt, -6utc) as well as others.

Main language: English
Others: Canton, Mandarin.

We have Raidcall, Forum, Facebook and Youtube.

Highly recommend:
-Just want to have a fun and good time in WvW (nothing too hardcore)
-Sociable people who want to make new friends.
-Casual PVE and fractals.
-People who are new to this game.

Try us for a week, if we’re not a good fit for you we’ll understand. It’s about the person, not the numbers.
Check out our guild video by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN1c9UUtwHI
Send me a mail if you are interested.