Looking for a competitive EU server

Looking for a competitive EU server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ofthedivine.4708


Hello everybody,
As the title suggests I am looking for a competitive EU server which has decent “off hours” coverage. My playtime happens from 3 am GMT to 6pm GMT, so I usually never get to play during EU prime time. By competitive I mean a WvWvW server community that plans to stay competitive in server rankings, as I love to play the ppt game. I have Commanded in WvWvW and led havocs as well, and I am a decent pug commander. I will be playing my own transfer fee, all I am asking for is a friendly community which has long term plans to stay competitive in WvWvW.

So in a nutshell, what I can provide to you:

1. I am a decent pug commander, and can rally them during “off hours”.
2. 90% of my online time is spend in WvWvW, and in important matches I put in massive overtime.
3. I am a team oriented player, and I prefer to work with my fellow players to achieve our common WvWvW goals.

What I am looking for:

1. A friendly WvWvW community so I don’t play alone during my play time.
2. A server which plans to stay competitive in WvWvW for the long term.
3. I prefer to be on a English speaking server, as I do not know any other European languages.
4. Some “off hours” coverage, so I do not play alone

Thank you for reading, take care.

Looking for a competitive EU server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Yes I Cap.5389

Yes I Cap.5389

https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/recruitment/Ring-of-Fire-Updated-Transfer-Info Please take a look at this and feel free to whisper me in game with any questions you might have

Cap Plox
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!

Looking for a competitive EU server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

Hello everybody,
As the title suggests I am looking for a competitive EU server which has decent “off hours” coverage. My playtime happens from 3 am GMT to 6pm GMT, so I usually never get to play during EU prime time. By competitive I mean a WvWvW server community that plans to stay competitive in server rankings, as I love to play the ppt game. I have Commanded in WvWvW and led havocs as well, and I am a decent pug commander. I will be playing my own transfer fee, all I am asking for is a friendly community which has long term plans to stay competitive in WvWvW.

So in a nutshell, what I can provide to you:

1. I am a decent pug commander, and can rally them during “off hours”.
2. 90% of my online time is spend in WvWvW, and in important matches I put in massive overtime.
3. I am a team oriented player, and I prefer to work with my fellow players to achieve our common WvWvW goals.

What I am looking for:

1. A friendly WvWvW community so I don’t play alone during my play time.
2. A server which plans to stay competitive in WvWvW for the long term.
3. I prefer to be on a English speaking server, as I do not know any other European languages.
4. Some “off hours” coverage, so I do not play alone

Thank you for reading, take care.

You should consider Desolation. We have good coverage, currently highest rated server in EU, but despite that EU #1 rating we could use more players. Outnumbered buff has been on us many times, even today on own borderland. We got players on all time zones and we have very strong late night team (3 am till morning). If you want to lead PuGs, you cannot ask for a better server. Desolation might not be the strongest server for guild-vs-guild, but we are the PuG / militia heaven. Transfer price is only 1000 gems, though after tomorrow evening the price might go up to 1800.


Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

Looking for a competitive EU server

in Looking for...

Posted by: justcool.4289


You should consider Desolation. We have good coverage, currently highest rated server in EU, but despite that EU #1 rating we could use more players.

lol , highest rated only this week cause SFR players are not playing atm… tomorrow Baruch will be 1st ranked EU server. Why not Join this Spanish server ??

Or, you can join Vabbi. You ll not be play for the first place, but there is lot of fun (more than doing PvD with a blob on Deson**b) !!

Looking for a competitive EU server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ofthedivine.4708


Thank you Yes I Cap and Deniara Devious, I will surely check your servers out.

justcool.4289, ranks don’t matter to me, I just want a friendly and stable WvWvW community which has a decent “off hours” coverage.

Looking for a competitive EU server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steeroth.9684


+1 to Ring of Fire, the best community this game has to offer !

Ênvy [eV]
Far Shiverpeaks EU

Looking for a competitive EU server

in Looking for...

Posted by: demetrodon.1457


Off hours..join the ’Murican guild NUDE here then.

Ex [FURY] [PunK] [SOUL]
Far Shiverpeaks

Looking for a competitive EU server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


Every server is competitive within their given tier, be more specific. Do you want a ppt focused server, a fights focused server, a militia based server or a guild based server?

3am-6pm gmt is pretty much the entire off hour. It won’t be easy to find a server that can cater to your needs throughout that entire time period, but there are some that come close…

SFR- strongest morning force in eu. strong afternoon force. weak night force.
Deso – strongest night force in eu. strong afternoon force. weak morning force.
FSP – strong night and afternoon force. weak morning force.
Gandara – good morning and afternoon force. not sure about nights.

Looking for a competitive EU server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deniara Devious.3948

Deniara Devious.3948

3am-6pm gmt is pretty much the entire off hour. It won’t be easy to find a server that can cater to your needs throughout that entire time period, but there are some that come close…

SFR- strongest morning force in eu. strong afternoon force. weak night force.
Deso – strongest night force in eu. strong afternoon force. weak morning force.
FSP – strong night and afternoon force. weak morning force.
Gandara – good morning and afternoon force. not sure about nights.

Excellent reply. I agree with most the analysis. Time will show if Gandara and FSP can compete against the top EU servers. Currently most WvWvW guilds are taking a well-deserved rest after the leagues, so people should not draw too far fetched conclusions yet.

Somebody else in this thread commented that Baruch Bay would be EU’s highest rated server after the reset. Well, it obviously did not happen. Deso is #1 rated for the time being, so please stop the trash talk of Desolation being just a pve server. Desolation is pvx, x = pve, spvp/tpvp and WvWvW. And one server can be great in all of them.

Desolation still needs more dedicated WvWvW players. On most days/times we have no queue and the existing queues are generally short (few minutes). Our morning force needs people willing to put the tag up. Players will stay on the map, when they see it has a commander, but might be doing something else if there is no active tag. You will get help from the border hopping group and can request help from other maps. It is all about co-operation to reach #1 spot.

Every commander is different. Handa from SFR made a very interesting video. He is a SFR player, who migrated to Desolation during the Spring Season. He recorded the fight videos with voice footage from both Deso and SFR TeamSpeak. Interesting to hear how the commanders on different side are reacting to the same situation and how different their commanding style is. I personally prefer the Desolation style more, but it might be a bit too loud for you. Serial talks like a machine gun. The video mostly just shows Ins Da Wagh and Serial leadings Desolation PuGs/militia against SFR. My favorite Desolation commanders, Moorta and Virmari, have different style, but you cannot hear them on this video. You need to join Desolation to do that ;-)

I believe this video is really the best GW2 WvWvW video so far, thumbs up for Handa from SFR for making this. Some of the musics are often played during fights on Deso TS – yes we stomp enemies with the rhythm of the music. WARNING: The video contains lots of cursing and swearing and other pieces of vulgar language.

It would be great to see real video footage like this showing comparisons of different servers.

Here is some 9 month old footage from the guild I am representing
(“Guild WvW event from the eyes of a noob” <— taken from video description):

Deniara / Ayna – I want the original WvWvW maps back – Desolation [EU]

(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)