Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hudsonjd.8025


Hey there. I’m an older gamer (32-year-old) with a full-time job, looking for a fun, casual, PvE guild.

I’ve played a lot in the past, but I’m more experienced with PvE than I am WvW or PvE. That’s not so say I couldn’t be interested in WvW if I met the right group.

I’m currently a level 12 thief on the Isle of Janthir server and I’m looking to join a guild that focuses mostly on PvE (as I said, might also do WvW). I’m also kind of rusty, as the controls and navigations have all changes since I last played.

That said, it would also be great if the people I play with are more my age (or at least not of the screamy little kid variety).

I have a full time job and I’m most likely to be online (on weekdays) from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. U.S. central time and any time between 9 a.m. and midnight U.S. central time on weekends.

I feel like being in a guild would add a dimension to the game I’m not getting by myself, but I’ve been a part of guilds before with a lot of macho or mean people before, so I’m trying to avoid that this time around (if possible).

If I sound like a good fit for your guild, feel free to contact me inside GW2 or on this board (although I’m not sure I’ll check here as regularly).

Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Peureki.3647


Hello Hudsonjd!

You may be a good fit for our guild, Syndicate of the Shadows [SOS]. While we may not all be around the same age, we have a large range. We have some of us that are as young as 21 (me) and some as old as around 40 and 50 and some in the middle. Some of us are new and some of us have been around the entire game’s life and some of us have quit and came back.

In terms of what we do, we only run PvE and a small chance of PvP. WvW does not exist in our guild as we are all from different servers.

Our guild knows that real life exist. We base our activity on doing real life first, then guild wars 2. We all have our jobs and our priorities. That’s why we’re very casual and go with the flow with things. Generally, it seems our activity seems to be around the evening with a few people in the morning.

On a side note, we don’t discriminate against anyone, whether it be race, religion, sexual orientation…you get the deal

Come check us out! Feel free to go through our guild post for more information about us. We’d love to hear from you soon. Contact me through mail in-game for a faster response :P


Staff Elementalist – Caesar of [SOS] Darkhaven

Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: hmsgoddess.3869


Hey you sound like you’re Nudie material. check out our recruitment thread in this forum see if we fit what you’re looking for! Good Luck finding your new home. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/lookingfor/NA-NUDE-It-s-a-Nudie-thing/

~ Emma Vine Sixty Nine Shades Of [NUDE] – Crystal Desert

Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Neksis Syxx.6983

Neksis Syxx.6983

Hi Hudsonjd,

If you meet our age requirement (over 30), I’d like to extend an invitation for you to join our guild, Just Us Grownups.

We’re a small guild that’s built on the principle that older, mature and well-mannered gamers don’t need an extensive amount of structure to play the game together. What really sets us apart is that we don’t have officers and it’s the membership itself that runs the guild and protects itself from drama.

Here are the basics:

  • We’re on the Jade Quarry server (NA) but since we’re PvE all North American servers are welcome.
  • We’re a small guild that would like to remain small (for the sake of manageablity)
  • We have a fairly equal balance of both male and female players
  • We have a fully upgraded guild hall
  • We have a Teamspeak 3 server and a comprehensive and active website

We’re looking for members who are going to interact with the guild both game-wise and socially.

If this sounds like something that you’d be interested in, you can read more about us by visiting our site and reading

Our Code of Conduct

How the Guild is Run

You can also view our recruitment post here

If you’d like to join, we have a simple application which can be found here

We look forward to hearing from you and whether it’s with us or another, we wish you best of luck in finding a guild!

Just Us Grown Ups [JUGs] – http://jugs-guild.com
Contact: Neksis Syxx.6983 Archranis.2375

Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Windemere.6534


Greetings Hudsonjd,

You sound like a great fit with us at New Outriders. We are a mature, casual, family friendly guild that has been around for 25 years, so we’ve had some success in maintaining a low drama atmosphere that adults like us appreciate. ;-)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in game or in any others ways outlined in that linked recruitment post. I will try to reach out to you in game tonight. Best wishes finding the right place to call home!

PS – I’ll try not to take it personally that you classify yourself at 32 as an older gamer and I outlive you by over a decade. :-p

Branch Leader of New Outriders - Recruitment Info

(edited by Windemere.6534)

Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: Crazy Branden.6951

Crazy Branden.6951

hey there, let me tell you about my guild
Angels of Clarity is a growing guild based in Stormbluff Isle. AOC is focused on being a social, friendly & helpful environment to all. We welcome any and all players including new players, returning players, free-to-play players, and veterans.

PvE – We participate in all aspects of PvE and will work on raids once we have enough regular members to tackle that content. Our PvE activities include map completion, fractals, dungeons, meta events, world bosses and more!

sPvP – We are forming teams and are willing to teach people the nuances of this game mode to any interested players.

WvW – We are on Stormbluff isle and are currently focused on havoc and supporting commanders on the map. Once we can form a composition-based team, we will tackle the larger enemy forces.

We have no rep policy. However, we would prefer that you join us on our Discord server for general play and the Stormbluff Isle TeamSpeak server for WvW events.

Recruitment is open to all classes.

If you are interested in joining or have any questions, you can send me a message here or send one of our officers an in-game message.

We hope to hear from you soon!

-Crazy Branden.6951

Leader of Angels of Clarity

Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: ninjagiraffe.1395



Was searching for guilds and came across this forum post.

I’ve bought this game 3 days ago and I’m looking for a guild that mostly does PvE and WvW. I have a full-time job similar to the op of that forum post. As such, I cannot guarantee commitment. Still, would like to experience the game with a guild. I play fair (even if not great) and love to contribute as much as I can.

Do you guys accept players outside NA? It’s okay if this guild is only open to NA players. I can understand

If open and interested, please send an invite.


Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: hmsgoddess.3869



Was searching for guilds and came across this forum post.

I’ve bought this game 3 days ago and I’m looking for a guild that mostly does PvE and WvW. I have a full-time job similar to the op of that forum post. As such, I cannot guarantee commitment. Still, would like to experience the game with a guild. I play fair (even if not great) and love to contribute as much as I can.

Do you guys accept players outside NA? It’s okay if this guild is only open to NA players. I can understand

If open and interested, please send an invite.


If your account is on NA servers then NUDE doesn’t mind. Although, I’d like to point out you can only WvW with linked servers and your server, so when joining a guild you should be on their home server if you want to WvW with them.
If you’re on a EU server you can’t play at all with NA players/servers both in WvW or PvE.

Not being rude; you should start your own thread to search for a guild.

~ Emma Vine Sixty Nine Shades Of [NUDE] – Crystal Desert

Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: ninjagiraffe.1395


Thanks for replying and sorry for hijacking this thread.
Sadly, I am on a EU server. Got invited to a guild though, so all good now.

I’d love to contribute, but I just don’t know how. I’m a little embarrassed to admit, but I’m at lvl 14 and I’ve no idea what I’m doing. Can’t even progress in my story, as I tend to get lost trying to find the quest marker.

Fractals, raids are simply too confusing for me at this time. Hopefully, I can do some reading/watching videos to get a better idea of how things work. Any suggestions?

Thanks for reading.

Looking for a fun guild with less commitment

in Looking for...

Posted by: DKShang.8792


Focus on leveling your toon by map clearing. It’s easy to do, gets your toon leveled fairly quick, and helps in learning the basics of the game. Ask your new guild for advice and help with challenges if you get stuck or can’t figure a specific function out. Finally, enter the PvP lobby to insta level your toon to 80 so you can get an idea of what is in your future in terms of utilities and trait lines. When you leave the lobby your toon will return to their normal level.

As soon as you can start reading up and asking in your guild about crafting. You don’t have to wait to craft but keep in mind crafting is great for leveling which you may not want right now; only because you will miss out on the mechanics roaming a map will teach. Also, mapping will give you the chance to mine, chop, and harvest everything in your path which not only helps with leveling but will also give you materials for crafting later. The more you gather now the less you have to purchase later.

Once all that is done and your toon is level 80 you can worry about fractals and raids. Oh, I forgot to mention dungeons. When a dungeon unlocks you will get an in game mail. Ask your guild mates to help you run the storyline. I suspect you will enjoy it and it will give you some loot which is always nice. Finally, your personal story unlocks the next section in groups of 10. So, if you are currently level 14 and can’t figure out where to go next it’s most likely because you need to reach level 20 to unlock the next story block. Don’t worry about personal story so much right now. In GW2 personal story is not the main means of leveling. I know that confuses some people who come over from other games. Point is, personal story is not the best way to level up a toon.

Hopefully all that will help you get rolling along. I’m NA but you can feel free to message me if you have questions. Also, remember to ask your guild questions. If they can’t take the time to help you that is a warning that you should find another guild.

Good luck!