(edited by Flanar.5981)
Looking for a good guild in Jade Quarry
Hey Flanar,
I will try to catch you in game.
Tribe [TRB], is a PvX community that is now recruiting. We run Guild Missions at 9pm EST on Friday nights and expect available members to participate. Otherwise we are setting up optional WvW nights and run dungeons ad hoc through the week. We have a private mumble server, etc.
Check out Tribegaming.com to learn more.
Thanks Sedanis. I’ve mailed you ingame
Hi Flanar,
Don’t know if you’re still looking, but Vintage Gaming [VG] sounds like it might be up your alley. We’re a medium-sized PvX guild in JQ, with a mostly PvE focus. We have something like ~170 members with typically ~40-50 members online during North America primetime.
Our members regularly group up throughout the day everyday to run dungeons, fractals, world boss events, new living story content, etc. We don’t have any organized WvW thing going, but many of our members enjoy WvW and will group up when they’re in together. We also offer guild missions twice a week – Saturday evenings and makeups on Wednesday evenings. We also have a Mumble server for voice communications.
Nothing is mandatory – you are welcome to participate in whatever you feel comfortable doing. We would certainly appreciate it if you helped out in guild missions/makeup guild missions, but don’t feel pressured to participate in our activities.
If it matters to you, our rep policy is 50% minimum.
Feel free to contact me in-game if you have any questions. Good luck finding a guild.
Hello Veron.
Thank you for replying
I have not yet managed to find a guild. I replied to your ingame mail.
Thank you
Hi Flanar – I will try locating you in game as well, but here’s our info:
S T Y L E is a new & very active PVE guild recruiting any skill or exp level. No rep req | TS & Website | MF Buffs | Friendly, dedicated & helpful both to new players & fellow guildies.
Leads/Officers: Burnination (me), Auryn, Wintrwulf, Stein