Looking for a group to play with
Hey there! I was wondering if you found someone to hand out with yet? Just another girl here always looking for friends to level with, and do content with!
Hey ladies! We have a casual new PvX guild, if you would like to join. We do a bit of everything and we try to do it as a group. We welcome new and veteran players alike. We also use Discord actively for voice. I’m sure we have some members who’d be glad to do dungeons with you as well
If you’d like to join us, you may reply here or whisper Dog G.6589, Homechoke.7692 or Koris Koridian.3574 in-game for an invite. or you can put your server/game name on our site application;
But nobody does dungeons (except for CoF mastery farming, but that hardly counts)
Hi, if you are still looking for a guild my guild The Naughty Touch [WET] is looking for fun, active and social people to join us. We are a brand new PvX guild that’s trying to get off the ground and grow into a friendly close knit community. Feel free to check out our guild recruitment post for more info about our guild and good luck on your search for the perfect guild for you.
If you have yet to find a group you enjoy playing with, I’d like to extend an offer to you to join myself and a few guild members tonight as we do some group splattering— I mean, jump puzzling— around 8pm EST. We have both Teamspeak and Discord available for voice comms. It could be a really great time! Send me a message in-game if you’re interested in joining us! I didn’t see what server you’re on, but we’re NA (Tarnished Coast).
Have a great day!
Website: http://nuinqua.com/guild
[HEX] – Hexxed is a newly created guild located in Jade Quarry that is recruiting new and old players. We may be small (for now), but we have capable leaders and lots of enthusiasm for the journey ahead.
We want to create a guild where all of our members have a place to feel at home, where they can be who they are and play how they want. Simply put, to create a friendly community that enjoys playing the game together!
This is a PvX guild where you can participate in any aspect of the game. We would like to build a strong community to organize lots of guild missions, raids, etc and also eventually get our own guild hall.
If you are new to the game, or a long time veteran that wants to help us build the guild where you’ve always wanted to be, JOIN US!!
Let’s build a nice community together and more importantly, let’s have fun doing it.
Hey ladies! We have a casual new PvX guild, if you would like to join. We do a bit of everything and we try to do it as a group. We welcome new and veteran players alike. We also use Discord actively for voice. I’m sure we have some members who’d be glad to do dungeons with you as well
If you’d like to join us, you may reply here or whisper Dog G.6589, Homechoke.7692 or Koris Koridian.3574 in-game for an invite. or you can put your server/game name on our site application;
Hey, yeah id love to do that!
Hello Choi,
Looking for a good time?…uuhh friendly/helpful casual guild? Unyielding And Unwavering[HARD]is looking for new/casual players for all game modes. We do a lot of PvE, PvP & and Raid training runs for the average player. More importantly we have fun doing it. Pm or Message Flash for more info.