Looking for a guild
Bed Shakers Guild is now recruiting all levels and classes. We do invasions parties jumping puzzles dungeons WvW quests and so much more! Mail or whisper me now for automatic admission!
Hi Truck,
I would like to share with you about the PMS Clan (Pandora’s Mighty Soliders)
Our recruitment page is here (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/Yak-s-Bend-PMS-is-Recruiting-US-SEA-Players/first#post2785956)
Alternatively, you can check us out at our tumblr
if you have any questions, do hit us up in game, on the forums or just PM me
PMS|H2O Guild Wars 2 Division Co-Leader
We sound like the guild for you! Mature Casual Family Friendly and we have been around for 21yrs!!
Check out our Recruitment post and website, in the signature!
Hi there! if you don’t mond switching to Henge of Danravi, I play there. Just made a guild not too long ago and looking for new players to join me whether doing PvE contents or WvW. I have vent as well. Please let me know if you are interested.