Looking for a guild

Looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kaelthas.9427


I’m looking for a guild (finally)…my server is Tarnished Coast and despite the mega server I’d still rather the guild I join be based out of it if possible (though this is not a hard requirement honestly).

What is a requirement though is I’m looking more for a family/friends type guild…mostly I want some guys and gals I can just chat to while playing who are not focused on any one specific thing. It does need to be at-least a some what active guild too (don’t want to join one that has a hundred players and only four are on at any one time and it’s always the same four).

I’m bringing to said guild several alts (I have 11 char slots all filled with something),my main is an elementalist,and I’ll soon have a max level mesmer to go along with him too.

Treat every man you meet as if he will die tomorrow.

Looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: AcFiBu.9624


Although not based on TC you should consider The Society. I think we fit everything you are looking for. Check out our thread here. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/guilds/recruitment/The-Society-SCTY-on-Yak-s-Bend-PvX/first

or our guild website http://gw2society.enjin.com

Looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: okalevi.2917


I think you should check out [FLUX]! We’re a PvX guild based in Tarnished Coast and we’re looking for friendly new members. Let me know if you have any questions!

Okale Refor | Tater Spudbringer | Boops Boops | Hot Like Tater Tot

Officer of Flux Capacity [FLUX] – http://fluxcapacity.enjin.com