Looking for a guild

Looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gd Anubis.4951

Gd Anubis.4951

Used to be part of MCG (Mad Cast Gaming), however I went on a 1 year backpacking trip. I am back now and looking to get back into the game. As said, I was gone for a year so I missed a lot but am a fast learner. PM me the req’s and what you do as a guild in a whole and we can go from there.

On SoR server but can transfer as long as the server isn’t full.

Looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Joseph.9853


A fellow MCGer; you may not remember me, but if you remembered a crazy ole asura by the name Lanthun, well hi to you then!



I encourage you to come check out Wizened Wizards [WISE]. We are a megaserver-based PvX casual guild located on the Fort Aspenwood server (WvW) looking to extend our hands out to make new friends! I encourage you come take a look at our recruitment thread (located here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/lookingfor/Wizened-Wizards-FA-Casual-based-Guild/first) and see if we’d be something you’d be interested in. =)

You are welcomed to contact myself, Joseph.9853 (Lanthun), or one of my current officers, Crashed.4657 (Crash), Morningmist.9546 (Lividblue), or LMars.9176 (Mars). I hope we are what you are looking for! We won’t be mad if we aren’t; we are one of many guilds in the sea!

Safe travels, and see you in Tyria!

Lanthun – [WISE] Wizened Wizards (Founder/Leader)

Looking for a guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fawx.9064


Want a chance to join a young guild and help train it into a beast? A beast that enjoys sci-fi, long walks on the beach, working out, smelling the roses, board games, caramel, and making wine out of the tears of its enemies? Then maybe Paladins of the Mist [MIST] is for you.

Hailing from Crystal Desert, [MIST] is working on becoming a lean, mean, fighting machine. While we have a strong emphasis on camaraderie, we aspire to help all our members play well and enjoy their time in the game. Any type of build, character level, or level of skill is welcome, as long as you are good company and are willing to try. You won’t be part of a faceless zerg in [MIST].

Minimum Age: 18
Voice Comm: Teamspeak 3 (required)
Game Focus: PvX
Primary Time Zones: EU, NA
Guild Limit: approximately 50 members
Website: Paladins.guildlaunch.com

Feel free to browse our website, and complete an application if you feel that we might suit you. Once your application has been processed, an officer will contact you for an in-game interview. We want to know what you can bring to the team! A hint: the beast would really like a hat made out of kale.

Rotate Harder [rH]
Possibly the worst chronotank EU.