Looking for a guild on Desolation EU

Looking for a guild on Desolation EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: Quesare.6015



My girlfriend and I have started playing again, after having quit for like 2 – 3 years. We would like to find a guild who can help us understand the game and takes us to all the things there is to do. We mostly played PVE, but that doesn’t mean we dont like PVP or WVW, we just havent done it as much since it was bugged/unbalanced at the release of this game.

Please respond here or send me a message ingame

Looking for a guild on Desolation EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: grevinnatosseri.2053


Hello! Modern Family might be a place for you! We have a friendly little family where we help and get to know eachother. You can find our thread here; https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/lookingfor/EU-Modern-Family-Friendly-Guild-LFM/first#post6400808

Hope you find what you are looking for!