Looking for a new guild to join in [ET]

Looking for a new guild to join in [ET]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Omenweaver.3125


Im looking for a new guild. The one Im currently in has fallen away over time and Im finding I need to find a new trail to blaze.

About me:
Game name: Busta Headertu
World/Server: Eradon Terrace
History: Completed all of GW1 with expansions.
Characters: I have 8 – one of each class. Highest level is my guardian – level 80. Only thing he hasnt done is the final battle with Zhaitan (because I cant find anyone to run with). All other characters are level 20+.
PvE vs PvP vs WwW: Primarily I am a PvE player, but Im not closed minded to the rest.

I am an older player, and Im seeking a mature guild (more in attitude, less in age) to game with. I want to find a sensible guild that I can play with that can have fun but isnt bogged down with strict rules.

I dont care to play with elitists as they do more to hurt the game than help it.

Im willing to help out where needed. I am a team player. If someone needs crafting done, I have consumables and jewelery maxed out and Im working on the other crafts.

I would like to find a guild that is established. I have nothing against the newest guilds except that they tend to be “fly by night”. I want to be in a guild that is permanent and stable.

At this point, I would perfer to stay in ET, but if it becomes a necessity, Im willing to entertain the thought of relocation.

If you think your guild fits the bill, I would be more than happy to respond to a mail or whisper.

Thanks for listening.