Looking for a new player friendly guild
Hi there. I represent a guild on Yaks Bend server. We are a newer guild that is composed of some vets to the game as well as some newer players. Not sure what server your on but let me know and maybe we can set you up
thank you
[TIME] is a large guild based on “Crystal Desert” server. We adapt a non-discriminatory policy which is to say we accept players of different backgrounds as long they met our simple requirements and abide to our code of conducts which are based on basic ethic and moral principles.
The requirements are as followed:
- 100% Representation. As mentioned, we are a large guild thus space is very limited but we can ensure you that the guild is active and there are always players online at any given time.
- Crystal Desert resident. Currently, the guild has stop accepting non-CD players as we have maxed out our quota limit on the number of non-CD players we can have within the guild at any given time.
If interested, drop me a PM.
Henge of Denravi Server
Hey Lunalis, we’d love to have you in our group! Welcome to Guild Wars 2. It’s my first MMO too and I love it !
Are you a fan of devouring dungeons? Havoc group destruction in WvW? Collecting achievements and various PvE goodies? Or rocking some toons in PvP perhaps? Well if you’ve answered yes to any one of these, then you might have already found yourself a cozy little spot here at The Unholy Mackerels [UM]! We are a FULLY UPGRADED guild looking to add some new faces to our tight knit family of gamers!
Currently [UM] is looking to bring in more active, friendly, and social gamers to be apart of our growing family! As long as you enjoy at least one aspect of what Guild Wars has to offer, you’ll find you have a place amongst us! Who knows, in time you might grow to enjoy all aspects of the game! Don’t worry about your skill level, we all grow together as a guild and individual gamers, so its all a matter of time! Don’t be afraid to dive in and get dirty!
Scheduled Events For All Areas
- Dungeons on a regular basis (Don’t be afraid to shout at us to do some runs! We love them!)
- sPvP and tPvP
- Fractals and Guild Missions
- WvW Havoc runs
Fully Upgraded Guild
- All guild missions available
– 3 guild bank tabs for sharing mats, dungeon potions, food for lvling, siege etc.
– 24/7 Magic Find and Gathering Bonus buffs
– Scheduled crafting, karma, experience and gold buffs !
Extremely Social
– Website with Forums
– TeamSpeak with users on usually at all hours
– Monthly movie/drinking nights and games (UM favorite)
– Contests with $$ prizes
– 99.9% drama free We are here to have an enjoyable experience! Leave the dirt outside.
– We are friendly, love to joke, and socialize creating long term friendships. Maturity with a tiny bit of immaturity is what we like to call it. AKA adults having fun.
Have Questions? Msg any one of our mods or leaders and we would be more than happy to help!
Rits.4036, Slipstream.6405,
Hellfire.3591, InSaneIty.8621
or check out our recruitment thread with more details.
Sounds like we are the perfect fit for you?
Check us out at http://theunholymackerels.enjin.com to apply!
The Unholy Mackerels [UM]
Fort Aspenwood
We would be happy to have you in the Guild. Check us out and contact me if you are interested.
Check HERE
Hey Lunalis, and welcome to GW2!
The Druids of Dhuum [DoD] is an Eredon Terrace server (North America) guild that does mainly PvE content (dungeons, world events, exploration, etc.) and World vs. World. We’re a very casual bunch focused on having fun (it IS a game) and we never require any particular play schedule, class, or experience level.
We’re more than happy to help out in any aspect of the game, and we’d love to hear from you even just to play for a little while to try out the guild. There’s never any pressure, and no hard feelings at all if somewhere else is a better fit for you (after all, the point is fun). If you decide you really enjoy being in the guild and you aren’t on Eredon Terrace, we can even look at helping to fund a transfer so you can World vs World with us too.
If you’re at all interested (even just to do PvE with us or try out the guild for a bit), check out our guild site at http://druidsofdhuum.enjin.com or PM/in-game message me or Trafficone.5301 (co-leader) for more info or an invite.