Looking for a new server

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Majeste.2076


Hi, I don’t feel like reading the 10k recruitment threads of people selling there servers, so I’m hoping some of you will help me out.

I’m sick of T1, sick of zergs & horrible lag, and feeling like I’m not really accomplishing anything just running with 60+ people, its just 0 fun for me. So whats a decent WvW server I can transfer to that doesn’t really have massive zergs but still has a good WvW presence. I’d really like to just join a small man and have some actual fun.

Thanks for any recommendations!

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Fannwong.3059


Hello Majeste,

T3 servers should be great for the smaller teams (<15man) with no skill lag, etc.

Take care have fun.


[SoX] – JQ

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: bishop.7596


Welcome to the awakening… anet shd give free transfer to ppl moving outta tier 1 & 2

A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is brave five minute longer…
Alencon le renard du desert §Strength, Honour & Duty§
†Guild KöMÉ – A member of ConqueroRs Alliance†

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Banzie.5248


Isle of Janthir is a great server with medium zergs, Almost no skill lag (Minus 3 way SM battles, But that cant really be prevented eh?) We have lots of small roaming groups as well

Isle Of Janthir

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

i will recommend the following based on what you have said

Sea of Sorrows
Crystal Desert
Ehmry Bay
Borlis Pass

all of them have a healthy WvW community, if you’re looking for coverage and militia strength Sea of Sorrows probably has the most followed by Crystal Desert. If you’re looking for guild focused Maguuma, Borlis and Ehmry should all be great fits.

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Deli.1302


I agree with Le Rooster’s list. Those servers would provide everything you need. From small group action to the occasional zerging. However, don’t discount the lower tier servers as well. Many quality guilds and healthy competition down there as well.

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Natronix.9827


We at Isle of Janthir would love to have you, I’ve been in T1 and its a whole diferent world here on lower tiers.

Lots of roaming, fight clubs, and usually the biggest zerg you’d find here is around 30 people. Everyone in the zerg or roaming and capping supply camps greatly helps the servers since there’s usually one or two maps all 3 lower tier zergs are.

There’s no skill lag for me at least, as opposed to what my guildie banzie said :P even on big fights.

Btw, if you’re thinking of transfering to IoJ, [AR] is looking for wvwers, I could help with some % of the transfering payment

Commander Nachonix

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Achilles.2197


I say Sea of Sorrows would be the best fit. Or possibly Crystal Desert. Maguuma has strong players also but lately has been getting horribly lopsided matchups. I know Ehmry had an exodus of guilds lately so they could probably use some help as well. Never played against Borlis so I don’t know much about them.

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Chris.3290


I’m incredibly biased, but you’d probably be a great fit on SoS as we have a huge number of T1 survivors who were with us back when we were there; so we can relate pretty well to how you feel.

Also, we have one of the smaller NA presences so we tend to do a lot more small group actions than other T3-T4 servers.

Either way, good luck with your search.

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Majeste.2076


Thanks for all the replies guys, I appreciate it :p Talking to a couple friends that want to transfer also and were deciding between Ehmry and IoJ and possibly SoS, hopefully we agree on something soon.

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Majeste.2076


Welcome to the awakening… anet shd give free transfer to ppl moving outta tier 1 & 2

Totally agree with you on this!

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Expiatus.4210


If you want to help build up a server and lay waste to large quantities of enemies then Anvil Rock is the place to be.

Queues – Isn’t that some funny latin word?
Individual impact – You CAN take a keep with 5 to 7 people.
Zergs – I’ve heard the ole’ timers talk about these. Big huge beasts from the land of ErBay and Borlis Pass.
Small-man Havok – Get together with the some of the highest rated PvPr’s in NA and control the enemies borderlands making them weep for mercy and shame! Well, until oceanic time which leads to…
Good WWW presence – well, were working on that, hence why I’m posting here.

Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Banzie.5248


Thanks for all the replies guys, I appreciate it :p Talking to a couple friends that want to transfer also and were deciding between Ehmry and IoJ and possibly SoS, hopefully we agree on something soon.

Well if you need anymore information on IoJ mail me in game, Or nat above. We’d love to have you come join us.

Isle Of Janthir

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: sostronk.8167


Just a suggestion. Rather than searching for a new server, search for a guild. I left a while back as someone who mostly ran solo on my thief or followed a zerg with other classes. Then I ended up joining Nocturnal guild on BG. It was the best move I’ve made. There is nothing better than running with a guild of 25-30 players who are decent people. So many things, like the ones you mentioned, bothered me about WvW. Now it doesn’t. Zerging and skill lag happen on every server. Even the bottom tier, I know from experience. This full map 80 man BL and 120man EB zerging is a mockery of a good game in a 30 man guild. Try it for yourself. Join an organized guild and if they are decent I would bet you won’t regret it.

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Fuz suggests AR.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

Looking for a new server

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Posted by: Malpractice.7850


SoS is great. We just need more NA players. Amazing community, though.