Looking for a new world

Looking for a new world

in Looking for...

Posted by: endeavor.7530


Hey there,
I’ve recently begun playing Guild Wars 2 after a leave of absence (about 5 months), and would like to see if there is at least and active world in both PvE and WvW to keep me satisfied.

I’m just an average MMO, I play casually on both fronts but do like a change-up every once in a while. The world I’m on, (Dragonbrand), used to be all the rage and I moved to it when free transfers ended. Since then, I have not been able to stick to a single guild and certain aspects seem to die up altogether.

What world is a safe world?


Server: Fort Aspenwood
Main: Endeavorr

Looking for a new world

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deli.1302


Literally any other server. It’s sad what happened to Dragonbrand but afaik no other server in the gold/silver league are in the same situation so any of them will do fine.

Looking for a new world

in Looking for...

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Dragonbrand is great if you can run in oceanic. The NA prime fights can be rough there though.

I agree that any silver or high bronze server is probably going to be a good fit. People like to sell their server as “the best” but most servers have similar skill levels, mostly decent players and are fun. Generally speaking the higher the server ranks the higher the population on that server. My suggestion for a single player transferring is to pick a server that does well in your typical play time.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Looking for a new world

in Looking for...

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

BG or JQ or TC. I would say JQ is more stable and the pve is good there. TC is stronger on the PvE side and they don’t quite match the T1 servers in WvW.

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)

Looking for a new world

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Try AARM on TC. They sound like a perfect match for ya. Or if you pick TC, you can actually get set up with a guild that matches your criteria. We have a member who places players looking for a guild with the ‘right’ match making service.

No lie. Great community here.

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

Looking for a new world

in Looking for...

Posted by: endeavor.7530


Okay, thank you guys for your input. So a higher population world?

What exactly happened to Dragonbrand?

Server: Fort Aspenwood
Main: Endeavorr

Looking for a new world

in Looking for...

Posted by: Avatar of Belle.9623

Avatar of Belle.9623

Dragonband suffered the fate of many other bandwagon servers. All the bandwagoners left. :P

I experienced this on Eredon Terrace. Thankfully no one has looked at us since then so I can merrily WvW without worrying about coverage and handoffs. PvE is completely dead but that’s not a problem. When I feel like PvE, I guest to TC, JQ or NSP (temple runs)

Threnody of Belle – Necromancer and PvE Carebear (24,500 achievement points)