Looking for a starting guild in [FC]

Looking for a starting guild in [FC]

in Looking for...

Posted by: mohtools.4312


Hello Everyone,

I’m looking of a small starting guild. Going into a huge guild and trying to get to know people is really overwhelming. The leader/s of the guild need to be dedicated GW2 players. Nothing worse than having your leader offline most of the time.

If you are like me and looking for a guild… why not start our own?

I do a lot of WvW and Fractals.


Looking for a starting guild in [FC]

in Looking for...

Posted by: InYios.5281


I have a relatively small guild trying to grow. We have about 28 people. Mostly friendly and helpful people. We try to keep it fun and entertaining. Would love to have you. We currently exist on Ehmry Bay. Please send me a message if interested!
-Captain Taiea (Pirates of Waffle Ridge)

Looking for a starting guild in [FC]

in Looking for...

Posted by: shade.5682


I’m Blood Master X, And I would be Honored if you gave my guild a chance, and joined? If you don’t like us you can leave, I’m just asking to give my guild a chance=]?
Thank you,
BloodMaster X
P.s. My guild’s name is “Keepers of Life and Death”

Looking for a starting guild in [FC]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Shotofed.6754


Hello, what server on you on? Depending on whether or not you are willing to change servers or are on Gates of Madness, my guild is recruiting. We are friendly and close knit. We are not very big but we usually have at least a full group on during primetime. We use a free voice chat, axondolby, which in my opinion is the best out there. We have experienced player & new players, we partake in lots of PvE as well as WvW, PvP, etc. Message in game or here is fine. You can also apply or contact me on murderers.guildlaunch.com . Hope to hear from you