Looking for a temporary guild[info inside]

Looking for a temporary guild[info inside]

in Looking for...

Posted by: The Bearded Hermit.6824

The Bearded Hermit.6824

So me and my mates are going to make our own, but we don’t really intend to do much recruiting, mainly just people we play other games with. So because of this, alot of content will be very hard for us to do, so looking for a guild who would let us join so we can actually get content done, while also knowing that we could leave if we ever decide to get more into the game. Now while this may sound like a " whats the point in adding you to guild then if you’re gonna leave" and I agree with you on that.

At the same time your guild will have a handful of nice, mature, people to hangout with while were getting our feet wet and learning the game better. So if you’d like to talk about it shoot me a message ill be online like all night.

Glo Stikz – Flame Guardian
Gloe Styx – Pistol/Pistol Thief
Glo Stixx – Warrior

Looking for a temporary guild[info inside]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Pomdepin.7068


Hello !

You can message me IG to see what we could do if you want!

We’re a small guild looking for more players, mainly with a raid focus with a very opened state of mind (no requirement to enter raids, just try hard and have fun).