Looking for active Dragonbrand guild!

Looking for active Dragonbrand guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Huskie.7350


I am fairly new to Guild Wars 2 but I spent a lot of time in GW1. I am finding it rather boring to quest and level on my own so I am hoping to find an active guild on the Dragonbrand server to level with. I am currently in a guild but unfortunately they are not very active and not many people to hang out with. So if anybody is interested in a dedicated and active member to their guild, here i am Either message me on here or add me in game at Huskirian Mind!

Looking for active Dragonbrand guild!

in Looking for...

Posted by: trainypooh.7620


check guardians of the light. they are a great bunch of people. www.gotlgaming.com