27 80’s and counting. 25k AP.
Looking for active Sorrows Furnance guild.
27 80’s and counting. 25k AP.
Last couple of guilds I’ve joined have become inactive or no longer have any active members. Am hoping to find one.
I have 17 80s, 12K AP and main a Guardian or Engineer.
Am mostly a PvEr and WvWer. I don’t find much enjoyment in SPvP, but Ill do it occasionally.If you need to know more, tell me.
Hi Skoll,
My Name is Edgar, leader of Forgeman Destroyers [FORD] , we’re a small-ish(50), but active(around 10 nightly) guild on Sorrow’s Furnace. Most of us have families so we start popping up online around 9pm EST and play till around midnight on most night.
Our Focus is PVE , but we do have weekly scheduled WvW nights every week. But since the WvW Spring tournament is now on-going, we’re a lot more active in WvW now. There’s also a couple of us who do enjoy PVP from time to time.
We used Mumble for voice comm, and I would recommend getting it, it’s the best way to get to know us.
Hello Edgar, you guys sound like what am looking fer.’If your in game sometime soon, send an invite.
27 80’s and counting. 25k AP.
(edited by Skoll.6754)