Looking for active social Guild

Looking for active social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: agoodwolfy.8025


Now i’ve been playing Guild Wars since the first game But never been good at being social because in that one it was all solo stuff and now with this one no one is ever around.

I am active During the Day i live on the east coast of the Usa soo i’ll usually be on during the weekdays from 10am to 2 or 3pm Est

I just want to be able to talk and enjoy the game and the people of the game n make friends

I mostly atm just go around doing the living story or level my alts but who knows what i’ll be up to doing with friends ^~^

Looking for active social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Deadnight.5948


Hi there, I think you fit our small family and with your time zone, you should be able to meet us most of the time because we play really late during sea. Give us a try. Here is a template of my guild info.

SOR – [BURN] recruiting All time zones
International players are welcome too.

[BURN] is 2month old guild recruiting mature and laidback players
PVE and WVW havoc/roaming after working hours
We are looking for members to grow the guild together,
as a community.

Female friendly
Newbie Friendly
Mulit-Server Friendly

Currently on guild bounty and guild trek
New Player PVE mentoring
LvL mentoring
Guild event depending on the living story if needed for completion in big groups.

Prime time: 8:30p.m(+8gmt) or 5:30am server time. (SEA/OCEANIC)
Other Prime Times are (-5gmt, -6utc) as well as others.

Main language: English
Others: Canton, Mandarin.

We have Raidcall, Forum, Facebook and Youtube.

Highly recommend:
-Just want to have a fun and good time in WvW (nothing too hardcore)
-Sociable people who want to make new friends.
-Casual PVE and fractals.
-People who are new to this game.

Try us for a week, if we’re not a good fit for you we’ll understand. It’s about the person, not the numbers.
Check out our guild video by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN1c9UUtwHI
Send me a mail if you are interested.

Looking for active social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: agoodwolfy.8025


First accurate responder guess i havent much a choice eh people? x3

Looking for active social Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Daghet.8932


Hello Wolfy!

The guild I represent might be a great fit for you, we are a NA based guild, and have members on all through the day (EST) and also a late night crew. We focus on PvE content, but can step into WvW on occasions.

MadCast is a gaming community that is bigger than GW2, but we are working on growing our GW2 sector right now. You can check out our website at http://www.madcastgaming.com/ips/forums.
I especially suggest you read through the forums some to get a feel for what we are all about! Here are some points you may find attractive about MadCast:

  • We have a mature community. While MadCast has no specific age requirements we do have high expectations for maturity. You will find kind, patient people and no drama. The vast majority of our members are over 18 (especially in GW2). Most of our GW2 members are older with careers, and many have families and children.
  • We are a serious community with casual gameplay. In other words, the main expectations we have for members revolves around positive contribution to the community and not on a packed GW2 schedule attendance. If you are active in the forums and show up to a few events a week, that is good enough for us. Additionally, because we are casual our community is made out of all levels of players. We have many very new players, some new to gaming in general, and our environment is built on kindness and helpfulness. People will be happy to answer your questions and guide you through things no matter how basic or advanced.
  • We have a super awesome, active TeamSpeak group. We enforce strict rules of respectfulness and tolerance among our players, making it a safe friendly place for everyone. People of all types feel comfortable joining in the conversation and making new friends.
  • Our community is bigger than in-game. We have a website with a lot of activity and heavy forum use. This is a huge asset because we have people who play all kinds of games over at MadCast, and the forums really serve as the uniting factor among people.

If you check out our website, you will see information about becoming a Full Member of MadCast. This is not something you need to do right away. Our guild welcomes ‘Associate’ Members, meaning we will add you to the guild, you are free to use our TeamSpeak and join our Forums, but you do not have complete access rights for inviting people to the guild yourself, or accessing certain Full Member parts of our forum.

This is a good way to find out if MadCast is the right fit for you before applying. In the long run, to gain any ranking position, we require people to be an official MadCast Full Member.

If you want to, I’d love to invite you to join us and meet some of our members. I would encourage you to join us in our TeamSpeak (you can find information about that here: http://www.madcastgaming.com/ips/forum/4-new-to-madcast/). Alternatively, you can private message me in game, and I would be happy to add you in to one of our parties.

If you have any questions you can message me in game, post here, or join our forums and ask there. Good luck finding a place for you!