Looking for casual guild on Sea of Sorrows

Looking for casual guild on Sea of Sorrows

in Looking for...

Posted by: LLunatic.5280


Hey White Knight,

I would love to know some more info about you. For example:

What content do you generally prefer? (PvE, PvP, WvW)
Are you opposed to transferring servers for the right guild?
What timezone are you in and and what are your most frequent hours of play?
What kind and size of guild would you prefer? (Large/small, Hardcore/Casual/Social)
And how do you feel about using a guild website and voice chat? (as they are generally very popular forms of communication between guildies)

The more information you give the better the chances of you finding the guild that fits you best. It also helps us recruiters to know if you would be a good fit so we can send you some information about our guilds

Good luck on your search

Guild Master Forbidden
Come check us out!